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264 entries for this category: Well, Jesus told the man that if he believed, all is possible. This helped the man to believe that his son could get better. This teaches me to believe that all things are possible if we believe in Jesus. Of course, if we pray and fast, almost everything is possible. The boy`s father said to Jesus, "I do believe; help my unbelief." How does Jesus respond to the father`s honest request for help with unbelief? What does this teach you?
By: Mirtha Fabro
Category: The Healing of a Boy With an Evil Spirit
Jesus took three of his disciples to the top of a mountain to experience dead prophets now alive, and a voice from a cloud saying, "This is my beloved Son, listen to him." If you were one of the disciples, what impact would this experience ha
By: Mirtha Fabro
Category: The Transfiguration