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This lesson was excellent.

Ideally, if we are children of God then we are "rich".

Consequently, the poor are those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior and are not sons of God. 

You, as a son of God, are promised food, clothing and shelter because God will take care of you.  Your part is to get up and be mobile to work as God gives you.

However, there are poor sons of God as well as rich sons of God and both are asked to help those less fortunate but the ultimate responsibility for providing is that of God, our Father.

Our obligation to those that are poor because God is not their Father, is to first provide them with the opportunity to know God, Jesus and their plan of adoption (Good News; Gospel, etc), as well as a plate of food.


By: David Be
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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Context of Jesus

The first time I read about Jesus' preaching his words were, "Repent and return to God."

Repentance recognizes wrongdoing. Return means that we were once with and have gone away.

Jesus also stated that he came only for the lost sheep of Israel. We, non-Jews are lucky to have been included in God's salvation. 

Jesus never started a "Church program" only a "Disciple program".

God already had his "Church of God" called the Jews along with a "copy" of His heavenly temple in Jerusalem.


By: David Be
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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Trinity Lie; Jesus is 2nd person of Trinity

The first 50 years of my life I was taught and learned the Doctrine of the Trinity and conveyed it to others.  7 years ago I tried to find direct empirical evidence from the Bible only and could not. All references that Jesus was God was only inferred. I joined this site because they allow only the Bible and wanted to teach the truth.  People that I talk to have thrown out reason and logic and repeat a church doctrine (Trinity) that is not found in the Bible.  Not because the word "Trinity" is not found in the Bible but because Jesus never claims to the God whom the churches say that he is.  Jesus' biggest and direct claims are that he is the Son of God (OF means that he came from God and is not the God whom he came from) or that he is the Son of Man, David, or Abraham.  

If you replace the word "Word" to "Son" and "God" to "Father" in John 1:1 (where Trinitarians claim that Jesus is proved to be God) the sentence would be:  "In the beginning was the son and the son was with the Father and the son was the Father." 

Technically the idea is that the son IS the father which is logically unsound.  Only here in this instance does a person except the notion that the son can also be the father whom he comes from because it is taught by the "church" and must be correct.  If I were to tell you that I am my father you would call me crazy but blindly accept the Doctrine of the Trinity.  Another problem with this verse is that the son was "WITH" the Father indicating two persons.  If the son was the Father (which he isn't) there  would only be one person and therefore could not be WITH himself.  If you have doubts read verse 2 which repeats the WITH concept and I believe it is there to eliminate the false Trinity Doctrine and to keep any confusion from arising. 

When Jesus says that he and God were ONE he further explains that when we follow him that we, too, will be one with him and God.  (Are we God?  No way!) The word "ONE" is used in Genesis 2:24 when the man and wife will be ONE flesh.  Hebrew word used is "'Echad" which signifies "United". 

Satan got 1/3rd of the angels to worship him as God and were expelled from Heaven.  Satan got Eve to believe that she, too, could be like God and mankind inherited death and the loss of the body.  Now Satan is trying to get man to believe that Jesus is God in order to usurp your soul and have you lose any salvation in Jesus if you make him to be a false god in direct violation of the first commandment of not having any god before God.

We are commanded to believe in the name of Jesus (son of God) for our salvation.  If we follow Satan and his deception and believe in Jesus as God, in direct violation of the first commandment, we have no basis for salvation and Satan has won and we will lose our soul to be with him and his demons. 

 Trinitarians will say that you cannot understand this but must accept it by faith whereas the Bible tells us that God has explained himself to us thru His son. God has never been illogical nor outside the laws of nature that He instituted. 

When Satan tempted Jesus and offered him the kingdoms if he would worship him, Jesus deferred all worship to God.  If Jesus were God he would have told Satan to worship him but he didn't.  Jesus made it plain and clear that he wasn't God and that God was his God and Father.  People and churches want to negate what Jesus said in order to follow the false doctrine of the Trinity which was placed into effect at the Nicene Council in 325 AD by Constatine and the government.

There are thousands of direct examples where Jesus is "FROM" or "OF" God and the people want to ignore them, why? 

God sent His only begotten son... a son is a procreated being and is NOT the being who created him.  God is sending someone else other than Himself.

Lamb of God

Word of God

God has no beginning or end of days:

Jesus died on the cross;

Jesus is the firstborn of ALL creation (he didn't exist until he was born and is the BEGINNING).

Jesus doesn't know when he will return-only his Father does.

Jesus learned everything he had to do and say from God and that nothing he says is of his own will or volition.  God cannot learn. Gospel of John (If you want to see or know God just look at me because they are those I learned from God and nothing I do is from me).

Jesus was given all power and authority (by whom?) you cannot give anything to God because everything is His. Mt 28

God exalted His son; all will bow down before his son... Phil 2

All things are created by, thru and for Jesus by the Holy Spirit and thus Jesus is our creator (as well as God) but Jesus is not God.  There is only one God.

If Jesus was God why didn't the Jews teach that and accept him as such; because he would have existed before being born thru Mary...and they would've had him as their deity. To them Jesus would be their Messiah (Savior, sent from God; not God).

How the churches have adulterated the word of God and the people blindly follow is beyond me.

Is it because they don't want to spend the time and learn/read it on their own?  We prefer someone else telling us what to believe and how to understand.

I was duped because I wanted to believe in the church and its teachers.  I read the Bible, had questions and the responses essentially revolved around that we cannot understand God or His infinite ways and must accept what they say by "faith".  The only faith the Bible talks about is believing in God and His son whom He sent.

I love the audacity of people who say that Jesus is fully God and fully human with a straight face.  This is like a light switch on/off.  Only problem is there is no place in the Bible whereby Jesus claims to be God.  There is a couple of places where others will claim him to be god but never a claim from Jesus.  Even Jesus says that God called His people so? It is true that I cannot know all things, however I can read the Bible and understand many things.

After realizing Satan's deception I understand a little better Jesus' statement where he says that many will say to him, "Lord, lord, did we your name?" and Jesus will rebuke them and send them away because he never knew them.  Why?  Because they didn't believe him and accept him as presented but made him to be the object of THEIR desires. 

Jesus as our Creator and Savior has earned the title "Master" which by no means automatically makes him our God which others will make the claim that it does. 

If the Bible is correct and God created everything THRU Jesus then Jesus has to be our Creator.  But it also indicates that Jesus is not God but an instrument of God because God created THRU him.  Likewise, Jesus is the Word of God and speaks for God, but again is NOT God.

Hopefully, this post will be accepted in love and if it makes you angry then you need to do your own research and see where the Bible specifically claims that Jesus is God.  If it doesn't, then you need to stop teaching the church's (Satan's)Doctrine of the Trinity.

The evidence from the Bible is overwhelmingly in favor of Jesus as son of God/Man (150) and only one or two places where Jesus is inferred (by others) to be God.

Will you stake your salvation on this Doctrine and make Jesus to be "God"? Or reject this doctrine and believe in his name and make him to be the son of God and your savior, whom God sent to us?

The difference between these two statements is slight but can you recognize the gravity of the change?

Son of God    or    God, the son

Son of God; means that he came from God and is not God.

God, the son; means that he is God and is not from anyone.

One makes the claim of deity whereas the other does not.  Which Jesus do you believe in?

Don't get me wrong, all 3 persons exist; Father, son and Holy Spirit but not all 3 are God as the Trinity claims.  What is clear is that the son is not God but from God.


By: David Be
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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