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Luke starts Jesus` story with the prediction of the birth of John the Baptist. According to Luke, what did the angel Gabriel predict as the future role of John the Baptist?
John was heralled as the forerunner to Jesus who will prepare the way for the Lord by turning many to the Lord. HE will operate by the spirit and power of Elijah and have a radical life style keepin away from worldly activities. The hearts of the children were hardened and many were looking for a sign - John appealed to them and the sincere ones heeded to his messages.

By: richard persaud
Category: The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
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Since Luke was researching for a high government official, "Most Excellent Theophilis", how many eyewitnesses (and who) do you think Luke interviewed before writing his report?

The author of the Book of Luke is claimed to be the author of the Acts of the Apostles. This places the writes as an eyewitness of the Acts and therefore a diciple of Christ. It does not confirm with the idea that he was directing his work to a government official. And in the event that he was, his work confirms with the prevailing knowledge of Jesus an the doctirne that Jesus taught. This confirms that Luke used the same sourses as used for the other gospels.

By: richard persaud
Category: Introduction to Luke`s Biography of Jesus
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Joseph from the town of Arimathaea was a wealthy Jewish religious leader. What risk did he take and why was he willing to do this? Note: Isaiah 53:9 - "And they made His grave with the wicked, But with the rich at His death."
The prophesy was fulfilled by Joseph of Arimathea. I believe that Joseph did not beleive that Jesus was going to be resurrected after three days and therefore this act will not cause him any further grief since Jesus was dead. I beleive he knew that Jesus was geninue but could not understant the message since it is clear that he missed it. Guilt is a possible motivating factor for him acting in such a manner. It is possible too that he wanted this episode to be over with in the history of the Jewish people so he undertook the burial himself putting to rest the teachings of Jesus with the body.

By: richard persaud
Category: The Burial of Jesus
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