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170 entries for this category: Jesus is the Lord of all and he is coming back for a prepared people, so we need to be prepared in order to go with Him when He comes. The Lord is a just God and He forgives you all you need to do is ask forgiveness....... Yes! I think that jesus believe lowly people are valuable because he doesn't look out for one type of people but for everyone.Jesus has an undying love for all but it is we who sometimes fail him. Nevertheless jesus said in his word that giving to the poor, crippled, blind and lame is utterly a blessing to us. Hence it means that he cares, love, cherish and adore a great lot about these people. Jesus
By: veronica wilson
Category: Brief Life Summaries
Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?
By: shonette Thomas-Zephyr
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly