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everyone in Guyana is welcome
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cecelia abrams

reni persaud

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Jason Shepherd

Joan Rigby

waldron Duncan

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richard persaud

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170 entries for this category:

How does Jesus link intimacy to him with obedience to him? a New commandment?
This is not a new commandment, basically its the key part of the relationship paid for by the blood of Jesus. Jesus died so that we can have this kind of relationship with God, so make full use of it... We are to become like Jesus and the best way is to study carefully his works, words and character and pattern lour daily lives after the same. Develop a dependency on Jesus and have a very strong relationship with the Lord, seeking him FIRST in all things, makinf him the source of all things. This is intimacy, this is what Jesus means when he said `the father and i will come and live in you Transformation befins from within and thereby streams of living waters flow.. remember Jesus is the life the source and the way. God bless u all.

By: richard persaud
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You - Jesus
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If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?
Firstly I will thank the Lord for his love for all mankind despite our wicked and selfish nature. I will thank him for the plan of redemption and edification and then seek to uderstand the gospel in order to present it very effectively to the world. Finally i will thank hin for the privilige of having a relationship with him and reaffirm my comminment to his ways.

By: richard persaud
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You - Jesus
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The greatest is Love
The love of God sets apart Christianity form ever other belief. This is the foundation of the Gospel - the love ''sacrifice'' that God made for mankind. god therefore puts us as believers in a position to learn from him and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to display this great love. By this we identify with Christ and are then are identified by others as christians. Jesus said You shall know them by their fruits and the greatest fruit of a christian is love. Love then leads to service, to serve your neighbor and to put needs in a position of last. Jesus was very outspoken on the act of serving and he went great lenghts to ensure the messagge was understood.

By: richard persaud
Category: Love One Another - Jesus
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