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Define "Compassion"?

 Jesus feels compassion for us and teaches us to love our neighbor when we are wrong about us also suffers from the problems also absorbs

the compassion is a great gift of our Lord
believe in the forgiveness is to accept what will make free beings in god
Jesus takes our problems and makes his own and gives us the grace of god
anyone who asks in faith will be saved
jesus  not allowed to lazaro die, even so the knew what God asked him to return your life and be with his mother

By: Gustavo Castillo
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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What did you learn about Jesus` background that stands out or surprises you?
Jesus was sent to earth to set a new world order in a total change in the mentality of people the world was so lost and God sends his son to convert mankind to Christianity says that Jesus was in his early years educated in the east so that at age 9 on his wisdom was so normal when you lose and find him in the synagogue the amazement of the rabbis was Inmagine jesus was a spiritual being who knew everything that he knows everything better through it we are forgiven for that reason it is very important to turn our hearts to our Lord Jesus through the prayer essential to reach the father through the Son Jesus teaches us what is true love, faith, and gives us examples through the parabolas.cuando was handed over by Judas he knew very well that this would happen all that comes after it did save us from sin

By: Gustavo Castillo
Category: First Century Context and History
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Jesus Christ
God sent his son to give his life for us, the fact that 3000 people a day becoming a Christian means that Jesus came to their hearts the teachings conveyed Through his apostles who were commissioned to spread his wisdom throughout the region and this thanks to the Holy Spirit after Jesus had to go where our father "God"
today many people believe that we have a Christian life based on love and faith and perseverance that science and religion are the work progress and happiness of the people as noted by the Jesuits
about 2000 years ago Jesus came to earth shall flesh and was baptized by John the Baptist with the baptism of Jesus all the sins of the world including all our sins were passed onto the
God's will is to believe in the gospel
we have the faith that the apostles had and believe as they did for their faith and belief of the Holy Spirit came the apostles believed in Jesus, his father and the Holy Spirit as their god

By: Gustavo Castillo
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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