Bahamas, The
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Bahamas, The
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73 entries for this category:

Why di dJesus cry out"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Jesu cried out in this way to bring attention to the fact that he was indeed the son of God, and to bring to the forefront the fact that despite being gthe Messiah he was truly human. At that time he was feeling the agony of desertion by someone would could help him he wanted to. He felt abandoned, even though he knew that his purpose for coming to earht was to die for he sake of mankind, and the redemption of their sins.

By: Carolyn Johnson
Category: The Death of Jesus
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Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy Jewish religious leader, what risk did he take and why was he willing to do this. Note.. Isaiah 53;9 " And they made His grave with the wicked, but with the rich at death."
He risked himself being persecuted and probably imprisoned. He risked rejection by others as well losing his position as a member of the council. He was willing to do this as a sign of his love for Jesus, also to demonstrate his faithfulness. 

By: Carolyn Johnson
Category: The Burial of Jesus
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Peter was convinced that he would be loyal to Jesus even if it meant "dying". Who would you sincerely be willing to die for?
What an eye-oprning/ sobering question. In all honesty, I can' really say that there is anyone I would sincerely be willing to die for.However, in this scripture passage, Jesus is not asking Peter to physically die for anyone. Jesus is calling us to focus on what we have to give up(mother/father/ sister/brother), worldly possessions in  order to become his folowers. He wants us to to totally submit ourselves to carrying out his work., In order to do this, we must die to ourselves. This is what Jesus is referring to when he addressed Peter.

By: Carolyn Johnson
Category: Jesus Predicts Peter`s Denial
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