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Bahamas, The
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How does being forgiven increase ones love for God? Note: According to Jesus, God`s forgiveness is motivated by love.

Knowing that no matter what your sin is God will forgive you once you repent and believe in his word and keep his commandments.  How can we not love him, knowing that he is able and willing to forgive us of our sins and allows us that opportunity to be a part of his kingdom?


Once you repent of your sins and ask God for forgiveness, you begin to experience joy and you have peace in your life and that’s when you start living.  It’s impossible to remain the same once you have made contact with God.


Just knowing that he sent his only son to die for me, just so that I may have a chance to eternal life is love, makes me love him more.  Once his love begins to manifest in your life you cannot help but to love him more each day, by sharing his gospel, loving everyone as Christ loves us, living by faith and not by sight, and being honest in every thing that we do.


Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.  It’s so sweet to trust in Jesus! 

By: Stephen Brice
Category: God Forgives You, If You Ask
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What did you learn about Jesus` background that stands out or surprises you?

What stand out about Jesus' background was his educational setting.  At 12 years old he studied at the synagogue with the teachers listening and asking them questions to their amazment.

He did not follow so much of the Jewish tradition of studying with renowned tteacher to become a disciple.  He was a leader already at 12years old teaching the the teachers. 

God had a purpose for his life, and even though the various aspect of his upbringing may be familar to most ordinary people.  He was a unique spiritual being, different from human beings.

He suffer and died on the cross so that we may be saved.

By: Stephen Brice
Category: First Century Context and History
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Define "Compassion"?

 “For God so Love the world (you & me and all creations) that he give his “only begotten” Son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).  This tells me we are all created in God’s likeness and we are all his children.  Angels are referred to as sons of God by creations, human beings are referred to as sons of God through new birth, but Jesus is the Son of God in a unique way.  He had no human father; God was his father (Luke 1: 35).  Jesus is one with God, as his only begotten Son, light of light, king of kings, begotten not made.  There was never a time when there was no Son of God; his only begotten son always existed, as uncreated, eternal and divine.


Jesus’ life is an example of what we as Christians will have to endure to enter into the kingdom of heaven.  I cannot image how it must have hurt God to see his Son suffer on this earth, just so I could have a place in his kingdom.  Maybe this was why God only allowed his son Jesus to live for only a short time on the earth? The pain was too great.


We know how hard the task was for his Son Jesus as we read in John 11:35, Jesus wept.  It is the shortest verse in the bible and to me the most powerful verse. His tender sympathy was show by his kind inquiry after the remains of his deceased friend, John the Baptist.  Being found in fashion as a man, he acts in the way and manner of the sons of men. It was shown by his tears. He was a man of sorrows, and familiar with grief. Tears of compassion resemble those of Christ.  Maybe he wept when he saw how much misery sin had brought upon us. It brings tears of joy in my heart to know that he loves me so dearly.

By: Stephen Brice
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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