Bahamas, The
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Bahamas, The
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Oswald Bowe

jessie sterling

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Jordan Albury

Carolyn Johnson

kathy ritchie

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73 entries for this category:

What is Jesus trying to teach in this parable?

In this parable Jesus indicates his self-awareness of his unique , divine sonship. He was also tyring to teach that we tend to reject, and turn away from the message because we do not like the messenger.

The vineyard in today's context is the worldn into which the message is sent. The farmer(God )himself who sent his onle son to us and whom we rejected. Jesus is also trying to teach that the servants (the prophets of old) and by extension the disciples whob were chosen by Jesus himself to bear his message and us the followers(tenants) who are the religious leaders, who proclaim, share the word, and the church members, who hear/accept the word and is being called to live it.

However, the very ones who are sent to us to bring the word of God are rejected because we tend to look at the messenger rather than pay attention to the message. Hence, the scripture vers" the stones which the builders rejected shall become the head cornerstone." Jesus is trying to teach us that we must accept the message and not look at the messanger alone.   

By: Carolyn Johnson
Category: The Parable of the Tenants
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Jesus said certain items belong to God that should be given (rendered) to God. What are these items?
Firstly we must realize that Jesus sees no conflict between Roman taxation and Israel's worship of God. However, some items that we must give to God are tithes, our whole self, (mind, body and soul),obedience, and offerings of sacfrice.  

By: Carolyn Johnson
Category: Paying Taxes to Caesar
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Brief Life Summaries
Jesus was born in Israel a town in Bethlehem to Mary & Joseph. During HIS time as a child i am sure HE played with the other children and as HE got older HE worked as a carpenter during all this Israel was under Ceaser's Roman dictatorship including Bethlehem where Jesus was born along with Nazareth where HE was raised. In HIS early thirties HE preached and teached along with performing miracles HE only traveled 200 miles from HIS birthplace the news of Jesus's preaching spread nation wide.All the rulers was not in favor Jesus's teaching about "LOVE" & "FORGIVENESS"so they ordered HIM put to death. HE arose and ascended in to the heavens. To this day their are thousands who continue to believe in HIM and will die for their beliefs in HIM.

By: kathy ritchie
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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