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768 entries for this category: Because she was poor and it was all she had and she gave it willingly. It is also a lesson for the disciples and us that when you give willingly you will be blessed. Like all countries we pay taxes, it was the same then, so Jesus told the people the taxes belong the Ceasar (the government) so it should be given to him. The things of God are obedience, time, love for our neighbour and for God, the fruits of the spirit and most of all ourselves. Jesus loves us and is waiting to enter our hearts. Why did Jesus notice the widow`s gift and tell his disciples?
By: Diana Yarde
Category: The Widow`s Offering
What things are Gods? "Then give to Caesar the things that are Caesar`s, and to God the things that are God`s."
By: Diana Yarde
Category: Paying Taxes to Caesar