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everyone in Haiti is welcome
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Number Of Members:: 37

Serge Jr. Paul

denny lyons

Nicolson Cineus

chouloute Edmond

Norabb Francois

Nadine Joseph

Derisme Ernts

Jean Robert Aristil

Adolphe Durand

Jean Antoine BATAILLE

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5 entries for this category:

Define "Compassion"?
compassion is the fact you feel love and pity for someone who is in necessity to help.

By: Joseph Junior TOUSSAINT
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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How does Jesus link intimacy to him with obedience to him?" a "New" commandment?
Jesus once mention if you love me, then keep my commandment.What I understand is that God wants us to have a close relationship with him,he said come unto me take my yoke is easy and my burden is light just hear me and be bless.Follow my will and be bless that is all Jesus  require.

By: denny lyons
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?
The first thing I would want to ask when are you coming back, why so many killing and suffering around the world.I would tell him thanks for making me and providing for me.I adore the wonders of his creation and I long to be with him in heaven.

By: denny lyons
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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