West Indies
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Number Of Members:: 811

Duveillaume Eddy Gerald

sheirnell lewis

Christine Blackwood

Stephanie Lewis


Ato Wilson
Trinidad and Tobago

Winetta Ross
Trinidad and Tobago

keith-ann jones
Trinidad and Tobago

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Ernest Clarke

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1547 entries for this category:

Why didn`t Jesus want those He healed to make Him known?
Because He did not come on earth for HIs name to be well known through healing alone but to be known as our Saviour

By: Antoinne Bart
Category: God`s Chosen Servant
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What was Jesus trying to teach people when He deliberately violated the Sabbath in order to heal people?
He was trying to teach that what you do on the Sabbath is more important than just observing the day itself

By: Antoinne Bart
Category: Lord of the Sabbath
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When answering John`s question about whether He was the Christ, why did Jesus point out the results of his ministry rather than just saying yes or no?

Because the results of His ministry rather than an open declaration should prove more whether He was the CHrist or not.

Also this is an example to us that how we live and our ministry should portray to others that we are Christians rather than our declaring it. 

By: Antoinne Bart
Category: Jesus and John the Baptist
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