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everyone in Jamaica is welcome
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Donville Porter

Natasha Conn

Karlene Mchargh-Sloley

Antoinne Bart

fabian duncan

Kenneth Brissett

Daphne Cornwall

Cherrette Elliott-ferguson

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227 entries for this category:

Define "Compassion"?
To be compassinate was jesus's way of life, by this way we learned that compassion is the feeling of love which we express to our fellow mankind, especially those unable to help themselves.

By: Herman Gayle
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"
According to Jesus to be loved by God is to follow his teachings and his ways. love our fellow man and do the things that are right in the sight of the only and one true God. for as the scripture say for anyone loves me , he will keep my word and my father will love him. that what God wants us to do keep his word and do the things that are pleasing to him.

By: Kirk Lewis
Category: God Loves & Values You
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Define "Compassion"?
To me compassion is the unique quality of human. I once read that Compassion is made up of two words. 'co' meaning together and 'passion' meaning a strong feeling so that’s what compassion is. When we see someone in distress and we feel their pain as if it were our own, and we try everything that we can to eliminate or lessen their pain, and this is what compassion is to be. Jesus showed compassion to so many people as we all know he is a compassionate person and if he wasn’t as compassionate as he is a lot of us wouldn’t be forgiven for the many sins that we committed. Read this lesson open my eyes to many wonderful and compassionate things that Jesus has done for so many people. 

By: Kirk Lewis
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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