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everyone in Jamaica is welcome
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Number Of Members:: 186

Donville Porter

Natasha Conn

Karlene Mchargh-Sloley

Antoinne Bart

fabian duncan

Kenneth Brissett

Daphne Cornwall

Cherrette Elliott-ferguson

nickey thomas

Samantha Edwards

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227 entries for this category:

In what way is Jesus still with us always? How can we be assured of Hi s presence?
I know Jesus is still with me. I know his presence is with me because he talks to me, through my thoughts, in dreams and through visions. He provides for me and there is nothing good and genuine that I ask for that he has withheld from me. Even in the most difficult of times, I call on him and he always shines the light of assurance unto me through total deliverance!

By: Kay-Ann Ricketts
Category: The Great Commission
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Why is the Resurrection of Jesus a source of hope for people, even today?

Jesus' resurection is a source of hope becasue the saints in those days were waiting quite long for the manifestation of the Messiah and he did come. So it is today, we ware anxiously awaiting Christ return. The same manner in which he returned then, he will return again - soon!

By: Kay-Ann Ricketts
Category: The Resurrection
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What do you think might have led Joseph of Arimathaea to be a disciple of Jesus?
Joseph wanted to be a disciple so that he would have rights to Jesus' body. If he was not seen with Jesus, then he would not be given access to his body.

By: Kay-Ann Ricketts
Category: The Burial of Jesus
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