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everyone in Jamaica is welcome
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Number Of Members:: 186

Donville Porter

Natasha Conn

Karlene Mchargh-Sloley

Antoinne Bart

fabian duncan

Kenneth Brissett

Daphne Cornwall

Cherrette Elliott-ferguson

nickey thomas

Samantha Edwards

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227 entries for this category:

Why did the Pharisees call Jesus a "deceiver"?
Jesus was called a deceiver because he told them that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. The Pharisees was not thinking of the spiritual but the physical temple. They thought Jesus was a liar, hence a deceiver.

By: Kay-Ann Ricketts
Category: The Burial of Jesus
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What did you learn about Jesus` background that stands out or surprises you?
I learned that the Jewish religion believe in One God as I do, and that they were centered around the Sabbath day and that there major religious holiday was the Passover I didn’t know this it seem to me that they are like what we call today Sabbath worshipers. I did know that Jesus went to Jerusalem to have his last supper with his disciples to celebrate the Passover

By: Kirk Lewis
Category: First Century Context and History
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Brief Life Summaries

Jesus personified God’s accessibility to one and all.  His life on earth reinforced all of God’s promises and provided  guidance on how to live a life which is uplifting and an inspiration to others. Jesus’ resurrection served as tangible proof that He was the Messiah and as a result many persons were converted to Christianity.

By: Tia
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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