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everyone in Jamaica is welcome
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Number Of Members:: 186

Donville Porter

Natasha Conn

Karlene Mchargh-Sloley

Antoinne Bart

fabian duncan

Kenneth Brissett

Daphne Cornwall

Cherrette Elliott-ferguson

nickey thomas

Samantha Edwards

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227 entries for this category:

What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is:

The love, forgiveness, blessing, peace of mind and health among other things that god continues to provide for us daily.

We just need to accept god in our heart and believe and have faith while living his commandments. 

By: Herman Gayle
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"

To be loved by God means that he will always be there for us. Always forgiving, always providing, always blessing and giving us chances to redeem ourselves.

We just need to live his commandments and glorify his name. 

By: Herman Gayle
Category: God Loves & Values You
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?

I think that Jesus spent most of his life on earth with the poor and this is enough testimony that he really valued the poor.

The example of the poor woman giving her two coppers is proof that the poor is at most times humble and genuine. 

By: Herman Gayle
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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