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Love administer All
If love does administer all the humanity, most of the present systems and superstructures would become useless. In that state even banking system, defense and security system, arms and ammunitions would be of no use any more. All the instruments to harass men would not be required; love would solve the misunderstandings among and between them. We are born and brought up in immorality and spiritual darkness. We have learnt all the twisting mixture of goodness into badness; truth and falsehood influence our personal and social attitude and emotion. We are not free from the influence of the present perverted social and commercial system that has been developed on the gradual practice and slow erosion of morality that is the demand of manhood. The divine love makes someone a new creation, harmless and beneficial and useful fostering up humanity for the glory of our Father in heaven. Through Jesus Christ the pinnacle of love, perfection, holiness and righteousness were manifested into reality that the earthly man could glimpse. God Himself is love. There is no room for fear in love. The present world is not only developing in arts & technology and monetary trafficking system, but there has also been much progress in brutality, enmity, antagonism and sinful harmfulness. Trust is already withered away. Hard cash is needed for handling-taking over things from one another. Only God can turn this system upside down. In the day of Pentecost, following the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the disciples they were turned into new creations, capable to perform on behalf of the Holy One of God.Originally, man was created in the image and standard of the holy and righteous God. But regretfully, being deceived by the cunning policy of Satan, they lost those divine qualities, and became the stooges of the Satan. At the time of creation they were asked to resist Satan, and to come near to the merciful and holy God; instead, they have resisted the Holy One of God and sided with the dark way of the Devil.Now, none does dare to think otherwise.During the deteriorated era of Noah, common people failed to imagine such a devastating flood to wash away all. Though, it is incredible to us, yet that had happened to destroy all futile maneuvers to replace that of the mighty Lord. We are not fortunate or unfortunate enough to witness such a flood, but following cats and dogs for two hours most of the roads and highways turn into flowing cannels. In the 1998 almost seventy percent of the city of Dhaka was inundated for nearly one month. During the Arch of Noah continuous outpouring for 40 days had washed away all the living beings including men. Noah and his family along with pairs of every animal and plants survived in the gigantic ship.What is the role of money for the survival of the living being? Does any animal need money for its survival and longevity? We need all the natural elements for our life and gradual outgrowth. When we have love for one another we take care of each other.

By: John Mark
Category: My Blog
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Creation and production
Creation and production do convey the same meaning, but procreation and multiplication should hold different meaning. It is God, the Supreme Creator of this visible and invisible Universe, said Adam, the first man, to increase in number, but not to create. Why did He say so?Let us examine cotton products. By the color and texture, different types of fabrics are being produced in spinning and dyeing mills where cotton is the main raw material. It is agro based product. Seed planted in the garden. Naturally, it grows into full size, start budding unto flower. Yarn of cotton is found only that way. Originally, it is not of different color, but afterward they were colored to make different outlook.  Growing cotton is a mere example of regenerative work.Who is a man? Do we produce a man? Or is it possible for someone to produce a man? Who creates sperm?  Who does shape it? Where does it store before throwing into womb? Definitely, all these happenings are miraculous, under the control of God. Even to have an apple we must wait; look patiently at the plant in its due season.Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 God created this Universe in six days. He created it perfectly. He just asked to increase in number. As in case of five loaves and two pieces of fish were blessed enough to satisfy the hunger of the people more than five thousands. We plant a seed of paddy, in turn a bunch of paddy grow to satisfy our hunger. In all these cases, we must wait patiently and when we get the product, we remain thankful to the invisible God. I myself was a mere sperm, placed into my mother’s womb, got shape perfectly, and now I am who I am! This is miraculous task that I must admit. No stone made me that I must bow down or kiss the stone. No landscape created me that I must run to and fro motion to attain spiritual bliss. The earth and all the belongings are created for me, and I am for the merciful almighty God to represent Him. If any perverted force wants to harass me, with the divine power I can resist that ugly one easily. Those who have thwarted the best plan of the sagacious God are certainly perverted. By the constant and instant indwelling Holy Spirit of the Lord, we can argue with those misled, fight out them, as the Lord has been doing with infinite patience and love so we should do. As in case of cotton yearn, it is white, afterward made of different color for beautification, variation and commercial purpose.A man is born as a man, afterward got different attitudes and characters as per the environment he grows up in. If he is empowered and anointed by the Holy Spirit, automatically he would perform spiritual works, but if he is badly possessed by the devil spirit, he would follow devilish and destructive activities. Yet, still he would remain human being under the control of the devil. It is in case of an imprisoned, he has desire but no freedom to move at his own will. He is a mere poor slave. He needs power, needs someone to exonerate, to make him forgiven. He desperately needs someone capable to regenerate into a perfect one. Someone sinless, dedicated, beloved having anointed with all power is essential to atone for him. On the other hand the redeemer must satisfy the obligation of sin and disobedience the person committedAmong the human being down from Adam, the first man, till to day, there is none found so righteous and unblemished. The merciful God met the dire need of the perfect Redeemer, sending His Son, Jesus Christ to this fallen world as the innocent lamb to pay the price.Jesus Christ is the Lamb to expiate the sin of the world. He alone is the Redeemer for the whole world. It is easy for a sinner to come to Him, by faith, with heartfelt and sincere repentance and it is also easy to confess all the guilt to Him. He is ever ready to expiate all the sins the repentant had done. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Eph 2:8-10)

By: John Mark
Category: My Blog
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Food for Body Vs Food for Sprit

Every living being has its body. In the animal folk, usually, we can divide them into mammal and birds. Mammal suckles milk to its offspring, but birds lay egg and out of egg chicks are born. 


A just born child must have food for its sustenance, longevity as well as outgrowth. Very tiny body grows in its full size by the supply of food and drinks when these are being properly digested. Strength and vigor are formed out of calorie of the food and drink. So food and drink must be fresh and harmless and unwanted bacteria free.


Since we have physics, so, for the sake of body, we must take physical food and drink. Besides man the other animal also need food and drinks too. Material food and drinks help keep the body strong and active.


We need talent, as muscular power alone is not enough to live in the world.  We have mind and the food of mind is study and devotion, failing those mind would not be able to compete with others. We learn from the world, other animals, natural phenomena etc.


The cosmic world is created by the Creator. He is Almighty, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. He is unfathomable miraculous One beyond the conception of the tiny created being.


Man must have body, soul and spirit. The food of soul and spirit is the God himself. He transplanted the spirit into the human being, sense of good and evil. Since he has a soul and spirit, to develop and keep it perfectly active, he must have spiritual food and drink, and not only that, he must have regular exercise to help it mobile.


Food for body- physical food- physical growth- muscular power


Food for soul- spiritual food- heavenward march- reflection of divine virtues


God is Spirit and Truth, so he must be honored spiritually and truthfully.

The one once darkness has been transformed into light to shine and disperse darkness.


We must have the clear cut distinction between two types of food, two types for edification.

Sanctification by His Blood,

Edification by the Sprit (Holy Sprit),

Edification is perpetual act of the sprit,

Grow in Christ us you grow in knowledge.

Masihee Jamat strikes a balance between head and heart so that you grow in Christ while growing in knowledge. Beware that every person is first an animal by nature. They become social responsible talented being to cope up with other persons. The cultivation of talent and intelligence sharp the person to bring peace and harmony in the society he keeps. In the context of divinity: the creator who has created him in His own image and also to represent the Holy and perfect one. To respect Him any person must grow in Christ and the word of God that keeps him strong and edified. So like a new born baby must crave for the pure milk – The divine perfect word of God. When we keep faith and trust in the Son of God, we are given the right sprit and become regenerated. We must be led by the Holy Sprit and one then we are ever secured. The almighty God is always with us as the father and mother take care of the children.

By: John Mark
Category: My Blog
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