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Happy Return

“… And God saw that everything is good” Gen 1:31.

What was good? Do we see anything is good? Is air left pollution free? What about water? Please tell me, what is good or left in good shape?


We must believe in the merciful God. He is sagacious, almighty, having all power in heaven and on earth, and till today, as He is eternal Creator, Sustainer, Comforter, Healer, Guide and He is capable to perform all, which is beyond the power of the tiny but beloved man.


He created Adam, the first man, in His own image, to represent Him. The merciful and miraculous beloved God, after the creation of Adam, the first man, exclaimed with great satisfaction that it is best and excellent! (Genesis 1:31)


A just-born baby, in 21st century, would differ with the written Word of God, on comparing the prevailing relationship among humanity. This world is now a vast platform of chaos, conflict, blood shedding, hatred and all kinds of illegal practice. Alas! The world has turned into an apple of discord.


When did arrogance take place in the so good and holy creation? When this sweet scene did turn into contamination? Is it the first man who should be responsible? Of course! Arrogance polluted him down to violate the high command of the merciful God, the Creator of all those exist.


Water was mixed with milk to earn extra gain. Word and works started moving toward two different directions. The same blood of Adam is flowing through the artery of his children till today, as if the same attitude is leading all humanity without exception.


The compassionate God found all things is mess. He loves all, has compassion for His choice creation with all other, had chalked out a remedy to redeem them at any cost and planned to put anti-virus agent in them to keep them safe from further deterioration.


God is Spirit and Truth. He is Word. He sent His invincible Word, in a human body to expiate the sin of the humanity. That is final and unique.


Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word of God, and also the incarnate Spirit of God. He came to this polluted world to give away His pure unblemished life, as a ransom of sin, in place of human being to redeem them. He is the perfect Lamb of God to die in place of the sinners of the world.

 I guess, all would admit the idea that detergent was invented to clean the dirty things. In the course of time, this item went in the hands of the commercial minds, and they turned it into a lucrative source of income. You would see lot of soap factories are involved making money. The commercial minds, in the same way, have been using both of the Word of God even the Lord Jesus Christ, as a capital, to earn their livelihood. 

The Word of God must not be treated as the earning capital; it is to clean the hearts and minds to regenerate sinners. It is so clearly written in the divine book that if any one is in Christ, he becomes a new creation, his old things are gone, and every-thing becomes new, and this is being done by the power of God.(2 Cor5:17). When the attitude of any man is changed by the divine power, he started observing the old things afresh in a positive notion.


This world is now disputant, hostile and chaotic. Instead of befriend, man become inimical and suspicious to each other. They become pessimistic instead of the recurring promises of God for protection and leading them on. It seems, none is left to trust the unfailing promises of the Almighty One, Who alone have all power in heaven and on earth. All of His Words are being neglected, as if, bank notes of any bankrupt person.

 Is God a liar? Who would dare to claim and prove so? The merciful God gave His Word of remedy and consolation as, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land 2 Chronicles 7:14. God so loved the world that He gave His unblemished lamb to die for the world, and whoever believes in Him have sanctified eternal life to enjoy pleasing carefree constant fellowship with the merciful God—the Father of the believers. 

Let us cease all sorts of fights against one another and enjoy sin-free and carefree life to fulfill the perpetual plan of God. We are brothers and sisters, richly blessed in His resourceful creation, asked to multiply and fill the field for His glory.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.   (Genesis 1:27, 28).   Come now, and let us reason together, said the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)   

Let us come to our beloved and merciful God Who has exonerated and reconciled us through Jesus Christ, the pinnacle of love and righteousness.

By: John Mark
Category: My Blog
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The dynamic concept of candle had been masked, so long, under the curtain of wrong interpretation and ignorance. Candle must not mean shining lamp, rather without fire it is just a stick made with wax.


Candle-light means, sticks of wax, in the position of burning, to shine all along, until exhaustion. Candles are made and available in different sizes and even of different colors, but in all cases the light would remain always same all over the world. The concept of Church must be erupted out enthusiastically to reveal the Truth in the broad day light for all.

A Church means a person having faith and being anointed by the Lord to speak up for the Truth, love and enthusiastic forgiveness of the holy and righteous God towards His fallen creation—the sinful man.


The divine work of redemption of the lost world is the sole responsibility of the merciful compassionate God. He performed the redemptive sacrifice by the divine lamb, perfect, humble, obedient and unblemished Lamb of God; Jesus Christ Who spontaneously laid His life to expiate our sin. We had no price to pay against our debts of violation and ignorance of the Master plan of our Lord.


Any sinner, by faith in the sacrifice done to exonerate the sin of the world by the Lord Jesus Christ is free from sin and all debts thereof. To come to the living Lord and to enjoy the redemption in Him, only repentance of sin and faithfully committing to the living Lord is the way out. At one side the sovereign unblemished God and the other end the sinful ugly children, who were created in the image of God to represent Him, and the perfect bridge is the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the pinnacle of love; it is your option!

By: John Mark
Category: My Blog
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