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Why do you think Jesus brought the man outside the village before performing the miracle?

Jesus did not want to glorify the miracles he performed because he did not want to create another force to exploit the public

By: Chamel Singh
Category: The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida
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Brief Summary of Jesus - The Jesus I know

My Jesus, My Savior, Tower of Refuge and Strength, My Rock - My Jesus is All in All, my A to Z. He is my salvation and when i open The Holy Bible to talk to Him, to pour out my sorrows on his shoulder or to laugh and talk to him I find him in every verse

This is my Jesus, thought of sharing with all of you. I got it thru my daily inspiration mails so that all of you know Jesus more and more

I find my LORD in the Bible
Wherever I chance to look,
HE is the theme of the Bible
The center and heart of the Book;
HE is the Rose of Sharon,
HE is the Lily fair,
Wherever I open my Bible
The LORD of the Book is there.

HE, at the Book's beginning,
Gave to the earth its form,
HE is the Ark of shelter
Bearing the brunt of the storm,
The Burning Bush of the desert,
The budding of Aaron's Rod,
Wherever I look in the Bible
I see the Son of God.

The Ram upon Mt. Moriah,
The Ladder from earth to sky,
The Scarlet Cord in the window,
And the Serpent lifted high,
The Smitten Rock in the desert,
The Shepherd with staff and crook,
The face of my Lord I discover
Wherever I open the Book.

HE is the Seed of the Woman,
The Savior Virgin-born;
HE is the Son of David,
Whom men rejected with scorn,
HIS garments of grace and beauty
The stately Aaron deck,
Yet HE is the Priest forever,
For HE is Melchizedek.

LORD of eternal glory
Whom John, the Apostle saw;
Light of the Golden City,
Lamb without spot or flaw,
Bridegroom coming at midnight,
For whom the Virgins look.
Wherever I open my Bible,
I find my LORD in the Book.

I do not know who the author of these statements on Jesus but this is the Jesus I know who is my friend in need, indeed. He is my first love, my alpha and the omega. My handholder in every walk of my life.

Love you Jesus


By: Ashalatha J
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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God`s Spirit Present With You
Yes, God's Spirit is present within me and guides me. Many a times, i ask the Spirit to guide me. Sometimes some things are so tempting that i feel like having my way in getting things done but as i rely on the Spirit, i automatically forget the temptation and i wonder how come i tried to come out of temptation. At that very moment of temptation my mind is totally under control of God's spirit. This is not only with eating (every now and then ie inbetween meals), watching TV, reading newspaper or using office stationery, talking during coffee breaks... All these things are so wordly. During such a situation,the Holy Spirit guides me. While cooking or while doing office work, or while amidst my relatives, i keep on talking to the God's spirit and i am guided in the right path. This is so continuous and the Holy Spirit is into my life since i was 14 years and i feel totally lost if my guide, counsellor, friend ie God's spirit is not with me. Thank You Holy Spirit May God Bless you all and i pray that whoever reads my comments to be filled with God's Spirit to guide them in the right path. With Christ Love and Blessings Asha

By: Ashalatha J
Category: God's Spirit Present With You
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