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33 entries for this category:

Define "Compassion"?

This Explain us how Jesus loves every people who lived thoues days.

he help who are in problams, pain, suffering, and pour people. From this word compassion jesus teach us how we need to help others who were in needs.

By: anonymous
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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"Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus didn’t need to incite his death. as the son of God he was fully aware of the purpose of his life in this world. Jesus only did what he was predestined and had authority to do. Sometimes as human beings with our values we compromise our Christian values, due to various factors. Our love for our family and friends, our circumstances, our feelings etc. are some of them. But that doesn’t make it right in the sight of God. Jesus did exactly what he was meant to do. Jesus never compromised. He didn’t tell the Samaritan woman, it’s Ok God will forgive you and you can continue in your ways. What he said was you are forgiven, sin no more.Once we receive forgiveness we are expected to ACT as a Christian.  Jesus had no need ‘to incite’ as such. He acted justly, when any act was wrong he immediately took a stand fearlessly. He accused the temple leaders when they were using the temple for wrong purposes. The so called “leaders” were to be accountable in their ways. We too are called upon to act likewise. The temple leaders. As the son of God he could have done or avoided doing anything. But he CHOSE to DO, take ACTION, when he witnessed wrongful acts.  

By: anonymous
Category: Timeline - Final 1 Week
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"Which of these purposes do you believe Jesus accomplished?"
Answer: "Which of these purposes do you believe Jesus accomplished?"

I believe that Jesus accomplished all these and more. He ‘demonstrated God’s love’ by permitting being ‘the sacrificial lamb for the deliverance of the human race. He also ‘ brought the good news’ of salvation from the power of Satan to become heirs to the Kingdom of God. He sacrificed his precious life in the most painful and shameful manner so that we may be saved from our sins.  His sacrifice made it possible for us sinners to accept his sacrifice with joyfulness and receive the salvation and abundant life. People sins had distanced them so far from God it was only after he came and spoke to us of the Kingdom of God that we are able to hear and repent of our sins and be reconciled once again and become members of the Kingdom of God. Jesus also showed us how to be givers of love, to be of service to people and demonstrate the love he showed. By his example of washing the feet of the disciples we too are called to be humble servants for him and conduct ourselves in that manner. This is something we fail daily. It’s only constant prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit which can help us. The higher the station you achieve in the world the more the opportunity of failing to be ‘servants of the Lord’. Positions and wealth cause us feel important and proud. The need for constant prayer vigilance and accountability by having trust in a group of believers and discussing our Christian walk and most important the Holy Spirit helps us to take the Christian walk of life faithfully.

By: anonymous
Category: Statements of Purpose
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