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33 entries for this category:

How does Jesus link intimacy to him with obedience to him?" a "New" commandment?
Intimacy with him, gives us a close relationship with him. Therefore when ever we have a need in the area of health, financial, problems with family or friends or regarding our employment or finances, security and safety we can call on him. But to be intimate and close to Jesus we are expected to obey him. Jesus has commanded that we love God with all our hearts, souls and minds. This new commandment creates a strong bonding and intimacy between Jesus and us. We are also expected to have a simmilar relationship with each other. (TOUGH ONE!!!) But we daily forget and fail to obey the two new commandments, thus failing to have the close intimacy which is promised to us.   

By: anonymous
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss?
Answer: If you had a one-on-one meal with Jesus, what would you discuss? There are so many things to discuss, where to begin and where to stop is mind boggling. If I met him in Palestine I’d prepare a meal for him. Prior to that I’d sit at his feet kiss them and wash them in warm water and gently massage them using soothing oil. Today I would still enjoy making a nice spread for him and while preparing converse with him. I would ask him for forgiveness for all the sins committed by me. I would ask him to help me never to stray from his side. Ask him how I can know him better and serve him better? I would like to discuss my short comings and ask his help to over come them. These I still do because I believe he is there by my side. I have never thought much about it but with this question I realize that I would like to know more about eternal life and heaven, of our identities there and what life would be like.

By: anonymous
Category: Invite Me to be Close to You
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Why does Jesus call "Love One Another" a "New" commandment?
Jesus calls “love one another” a “new” commandment, because the first commandment is to love God with all our hearts, soul and mind. The next commandment is to love one another, even as Jesus loved us. Jesus gave his life, suffered humiliation, physical agony, for the love of us. We are told to love each other in the way Christ did and become his disciples. Jesus also says that “by this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another”. Therefore we are called to have a distinct identity; a people who love and care for each others. This commandment is a ‘new’ one because Jesus had not given it as a commandment or a rule to be obeyed by his followers. The earlier commandment given by Jesus was to love God with all our hearts, minds and souls. Jesus told Peter to tend to his ‘sheep’, his people. We too are called upon to take care and love each other. When we take care we should be done willingly and lovingly and never to take advantage, abuse or cause any pain. We are called to be servants and serve others cheerfully.

By: anonymous
Category: Love One Another
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