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How does being forgiven increase ones love for God? Note: According to Jesus, God`s forgiveness is motivated by love.

We love God because he is God, but we know that he sacrificed his own son (himself) in order to reconcile man to God. Nobody is free of sin. But some feel the burden of sin greater. Maybe from our worldly values we regard some ‘sins’ as greater and others as negligible or sins of no account. The greater the sin, the forgiven person will feel a greater and a higher sense of gratitude and love for God. If a small burden is lifted we will not feel it much; but if the burden is extremely heavy and unbearable the relief felt is greater. The love and gratitude in the heart of the greater sinner is therefore much higher for God. Any sin when the burden of guilt is removed causes in our human hearts feelings of gratitude. It also reminds us that our sins caused Jesus to suffer immense pain when his hands and feet were nailed to the cross, being whipped and ridiculed and being nailed to the cross until he died. With we receive forgiveness we remember the cost of that forgiveness - our Lords suffering before and during the crucifixion. No man has given such sacrificial unconditional love for people who have done evil or wrong things than our Lord. The father heart of God must have suffered terribly at the suffering of his only son, more specially when he was separated with his son at the cross. Our love for such a loving saviour and God is therefore very hogh.


By: anonymous
Category: God Forgives You, If You Ask
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Define "Compassion"?
“Compassion” means caring and empathizing with others hurts and needs. This is not offering sympathy and not doing anything to alleviate the negative feelings of others, but to act. Jesus was moved to compassion when he saw the unbearable loss of a widow of an only son. He restored the son to the mother. We was moved to compassion when he saw the tears of people, and he fed the hungry, healed the sick, made the lame walk and the blind see. He saw the heavily laden and wanted the disciples to pray for more followers of Christ. Therefore compassion means not only to care for others needs but to do something about it.  

By: anonymous
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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What did you learn about Jesus` background that stands out or surprises you?
Jesus was born in a country subjected to foreign rule. Jesus sharing the good news of repentance and salvation risked his life, which he finally lost. He was merely a carpenters son. But he unlike normal people shared the message without counting the cost. Traveling by foot to distant places incurring personal discomfort he performed his “commission”, without fear or favour. He was totally human. But his actions, conduct, courage and responses were more than human. He was from an ordinary family, a simple background and yet his compassion and gentleness to people of importance or none, was extraordinary.   

By: anonymous
Category: First Century Context and History
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