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33 entries for this category:

Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?
Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable? Jesus did not differentiate people because of their status or money. But I think Jesus wouldn’t like it if we are proud. The lowly or humble are the people who can be reached out to by his love. The proud would not have room in their hearts or lives for the love of Jesus. It’s the pride in us that wants to condemn others. Like wise the Pharisees and the scribes would want to be critical of a man who has a number of followers. Children are people who have no bias and are natural. Even the disciples put a lesser value on children, judgmental (?) of children as not being people of value to be listening to their teacher. But Jesus put them right. We too have this attitude to our children. We as parents without explaining the right and wrong expect our children to simply obey. We fail to respect them and their individuality and the right to know our reasons for rules and guide lines. Jesus also explains that people who strive for self fulfillment rather than service will be the least in the kingdom of heaven and will also be a servant to others, and be less in his sight. Jesus expects from us to give our all. The poor widow who gave everything she owned was the example to us. But we with our human weaknesses without giving and trusting him to provide for us, look out for our personal needs to our abilities. With our worldly values it is very difficult for us to change to his views. Culturally and socially we have learned to depend on our own for survival.  The Jews of Jesus’ time did not have dealings with the Samaritans. But Jesus requests for water from the Samaritan woman at the well. Here Jesus is teaching us not to differentiate people as we are all God’s creation. Jesus tells us to give to the people who lack, not to the people who have. Because the ‘haves’ can always repay the service and thus cancel out the transaction. But if you give NOT to receive from the recipients, the receiving will be from God. Here we are encouraged to give to the poor or people who have less than you & who cannot repay it. (Jesus also tells us not to allow our left hand to know what the right has given. We are told to give and forget the gift).For our Lord whether people were the Samaritans, the children, the prostitutes or the poor he did not differentiate. He put an equal value to all of them, as with all his other believers and followers.

By: anonymous
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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I would lik to know more about Nathaniel the apostle of Jesus Christ.......

By: anonymous
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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Kindom & righteousnss

i like to seek kindom & righteousness and god said all the things will be coming into u .  my plans n thoughts n everything gave them to god i have already commented on his hand . but i like to be happy always,,  

By: anonymous
Category: My Blog
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