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Theres no Role Model like Jesus!
I affirm that Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior. God sacrificed his Son so that we might ALL spend our eternal life with Him. If ever I'm in doubt about what to do, I ask myself "What would Jesus do?" From there it's an easy decision to make. Jesus is the BEST role model we could ever possibly have.  He is love, compassion, forgiveness, patience - all the wonderful things EVERY human being needs to embrace and practice.   

By: Wendye Kolles
Category: Brief Life Summaries
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god works different shifts day afternoon and night shifts 24/7 365 days a year.

I was asked to pray for a young lady in the phillipines flood and i did that last night and guess what?the floods have gone and they are preparing to go back home with min damage,so his miricles dont just stop at giving sight they are unlimited IF we ask him for it

By: david green
Category: The Pharisees Investigate the Healing
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Power Of Suggestion

Has anyone ever found themselves worrying about something that they know in their heart of hearts; is rediculous?

The power of suggestion is an extremely strong force.  This concept dictates that the mind will follow it's thoughts.  A great deal of sdvertising uses the power of suggestion to make people remember their jingles and their products.  They will flood us with their literature and TV commercials and eventually you have it in your head.

This power can also be used for malicious and terribles means.  For example, say you were at home and your husband/wife was driving to a country town that night.  Later that evening you hear on the radio that there has been a major accident on the freeway which your partner was driving on.  In  your mind you start to worry about them, so you call them on their phone.  There's no answer.  Now your mind will start to find ways to justify that worry.  It will build scenarios and draw connections and conclusions which reinforce the idea that your loved-one has been killed in that accident.  Now you start to panic.  In fact, the reality of the situation is that your partner had stopped for a coffee on the way to their destination and the reason why they didn't answer the phone is because they left it in the car while they were in the coffee shop.  Do you see how the mind can work against us when worry and fear are involved.

The enemy knows how our minds work, and can set such chainreactions in motion.  The enemy can implant images, concepts and thoughts in your head and will try to make them seem like the truth and more than that; the truth about you.  The more you worry that a lie is true, the more your mind will try to find ways to reinforce and justify those lies to make them seem like the truth.  Revelation 20:10 refers to Satan as the deceiver of the brethren:

"And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

He will take your worst fears and tempt you to believe that they are a reality, so be on guard!  As Christians, it is our duty to put on the full armour of God everyday.  The armour is described in detail in Ephesians 6:11.  I would like to draw special attention to the helmet of salvation.  The helmet protects your mind from the enemy and the fleshy thinking of our human bodies.  The thoughts and attacks of the enemy are what Paul referes to in this book as: "firey darts".  Use your shield of faith to deflect these arrows.  Know who you are in Christ and know that who the enemy says you are, is an absolute lie!

In this same defensive manner, be careful about what you think about.  The power of suggestion is powerful and can lead yout o be deceived and confused about who you really are and what is really happening around you.

In 2 Corintheans 10:5, Paul says:

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

This MUST be done on a mental level and spiritual one!  I cannot stress this enough.  Allow the Lord our God to be in control of our thought life.  Plead the blood of Jesus over you and the Holy Spirit into you at the start of every day to be one with God in his strength, His truth and His wisdom.  Remember, he IS the way, the truth and the life of each and every Christian.

I leave you this week with one of my favourite scripture from Philipians 4:8-9:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

By: Paul Hersee
Category: My Blog
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