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1025 entries for this category: There would be a mixture of emotions. 1 The realisation that time as we know it is govened by God and the important prophets of the past are still relevant today. 2 My life can also be infinite when I believe in that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus paints a stark picture of what this life is about. Our life is full of habits and actions which must be eliminated to get to heaven. Jesus did not sin but gave us the example to live by, which most of us find a great challenge. We need to loose our natural and sinful self to get to heaven. This is the cross, we need to bare. Jesus took three of His disciples to experience dead prophets now alive, and a voice from a cloud saying, "this is my beloved Son, listen to Him. "If you were one of the disciples, what impact wouls this have on you?
By: Peter Price
Category: The Transfiguration
Jesus was committed to sacrific his own life. What did he mean by the statement, " For who ever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it"?
By: Peter Price
Category: Jesus Predicts His Death