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1025 entries for this category: I want to know the path that I need to follow for the rest of my life to save my soul. I want also to be able to assist my family and others to follow the way of Jesus to God. I want to get through a difficult operation in the near future with the help of Jesus. Jesus gave us the perfect example on how to live one's life.He gave up His life so we could be saved because we are not perfect. The example of Jesus today serves as a way of life as unique and important as it was 2000yrs ago. The legacy of His life can be read in the Gosples and God has left us The Holy Spitit to help us obtain the faith we need to follow Jesus. Jesus asked the blind men what they wanted him to do. What do you want Jesus to do for you?
By: Peter Price
Category: Two Blind Men Receive Sight
In what ways did Jesus serve when He was on earth? In what ways is He still serving now?
By: Peter Price
Category: A Mother`s Request