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1025 entries for this category: "Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
My opinion is.
Jesus was inciting one another to live out God’s love.
Ultimately, and perhaps somewhat amazingly, it was God Himself who incited Jesus death.
This was the greatest act of divine justice ever carried out, done in “the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God” (Act 2:23) and for the highest purpose. Jesus’ death on the cross secured the salvation of countless millions and provided the only way God could forgive sin without compromising His holiness and perfect righteousness. Christ’s death was God’s perfect plan for the eternal redemption of His own. Far from being a victory for Satan, as some have suggested, or an unnecessary tragedy, it was the most gracious act of God’s goodness and mercy, the ultimate expression of the Father’s love for sinners. God put Jesus to death for our sin so that we could live in sinless righteousness before Him, a righteousness only possible because of the cross. “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
So we who have come to Christ in faith are guilty of His blood, shed on the cross for us. He died to pay the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:8; 6:23).
By: Karl Karlton
Category: Timeline - Final 1 Week
"Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
By: Neal Hicking
Category: Timeline - Final 1 Week