New Zealand
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New Zealand
everyone in New Zealand is welcome
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Number Of Members:: 143

angela abercrombie
New Zealand

abbegale ireland
New Zealand

Brianna Keane
New Zealand

kane ellis
New Zealand

kane ellis
New Zealand

russel meyer
New Zealand

Paul Clifford
New Zealand

imeleta aumua
New Zealand

Andrea Sergeant
New Zealand

New Zealand

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 Shared Blog

89 entries for this category:

What is the Kingdom of God?
I believe that the Kingdom of God is here in every one who has taken the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour, but, it is as yet not complete because as we were once justified and are now being sanctfied, we will eventually be glorified and it is then we will see the fullnes of the Kingdom of God.

By: eddie webb
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"
To be loved By God means that we understand who we are in Christ. It is an unconditional love, but, we need to try to live in a way that Honours our Father also and brings Him glory which can be achieved through obedience.

By: eddie webb
Category: God Loves & Values You
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?
The majority of people that Jesus helped were the lowly, the family that He came from would be considered lowly, certainly His birth, and His death were reserved for the lowly so, yes, I think that He did believe in these people. How valuable can be seen by the very people that He called His friends. Not only doctors and leaders of the then ruling "class" of Jew, but also tax collectors and prostitutes and fishermen. All these were used equally to build the kingdom of God.

By: eddie webb
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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