New Zealand
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New Zealand
everyone in New Zealand is welcome
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angela abercrombie
New Zealand

abbegale ireland
New Zealand

Brianna Keane
New Zealand

kane ellis
New Zealand

kane ellis
New Zealand

russel meyer
New Zealand

Paul Clifford
New Zealand

imeleta aumua
New Zealand

Andrea Sergeant
New Zealand

New Zealand

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 Shared Blog

89 entries for this category:

How does being forgiven increase ones love for God? Note: According to Jesus, God`s forgiveness is motivated by love.
In that we are all lost to ourselves in lusts, selfishness, anger and all forms of dishonuring God, how great must his love be to redeem such a broken being as man. It is because of this love that we realise just how far we have fallen and deserve to pay the penalty for that sin, so we begin to understand the huge cost He paid to redeem us back to Himself. It is because He loved us first that we love Him and the depth of our love for Him should be greater than the depth of sin that we have been saved from.  

By: eddie webb
Category: God Forgives You, If You Ask
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How do you forgive sameone that has sexually abuse you when you were your youth?

By: Dale Phillips
Category: Ask Jesus - He Says God Forgives You if You Ask
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In the scriptures there are 3 arks, Noahs Mosess and the ark of the covenant. Why are all 3 coated "inside and out".

By: eddie webb
Category: My Blog
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