New Zealand
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New Zealand
everyone in New Zealand is welcome
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angela abercrombie
New Zealand

abbegale ireland
New Zealand

Brianna Keane
New Zealand

kane ellis
New Zealand

kane ellis
New Zealand

russel meyer
New Zealand

Paul Clifford
New Zealand

imeleta aumua
New Zealand

Andrea Sergeant
New Zealand

New Zealand

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 Shared Blog

89 entries for this category:

Life Of Jesus
I firmly beleive that unless we yield to Jesus, the life we live/have lived/or is living is in-complete.  Who would give their child so that others may live?I am a mum and I would not dare to think about giving my son away let alone to die but thru the self-less act from God we have been able to redeem ourselves, what a greater love has God for us?  Jesus walked amongst us, and had a life on earth so that he may meet us at whatever place we are at in order to save us from our sins and to teach us about our sin in the future.  If God is for us then who can be against us?  As my personal saviour I am finally living a life worth telling averybody about and Why it has become so fullfilling.The Great Commision is to tell everyone about the un-failling love that Jesus has for us, to show compassion to others just as Jesus showed even to those that denied him before and on the cross.  I still ask you IF GOD IS FOR US WHO CAN BE AGAINST US.

By: carol hodgson
Category: My Blog
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If th Sabbath means Saturday why was it changed to Sunday and who did change it GOD or a human being? Does that mean that we are worshipping GOD on the wrong day?? And why do some countries have different calendars from others??? M confused here HELP!!!!

By: Marie-Madeleine
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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My Brief Summary of Jesus
I know he is the saviour of man kind, that he is God and that he still does miracles today through his people. He wants everyone to accept his gift of salvation. That he was made into a person and lived on this earth to be our role model and sacrifice for our sins.

By: Vivien Allen
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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