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New Zealand
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angela abercrombie
New Zealand

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New Zealand

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New Zealand

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New Zealand

russel meyer
New Zealand

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New Zealand

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New Zealand

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New Zealand

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89 entries for this category:

Why did Jesus ` penalty foe sin need to include physical and emtional pain_why not just spiritual separation from God?
First, that`s the plan of our Heavenly God and we shouldnt wonder his plans as He is the Lord He decides and knows and does what`s best for all of us. 2ndly, Jesus was born as flesh human that`s why he suffered physically. And He is the son of God He is related to Him through the spirit that`s why he suffered emotionnally. Also, because He did that so we can can be saved through Him. He is the door to Heaven and the only way to go to heaven is Him. Physical pain symbolises the fact that we are all and only human beings that we will go through hard times as Jesus went through. However, that pain is only in this world. When we die we go through physical pain and then Spiritual pain only if you didnt repent from your sins. Thank you Lord for your forgiveness. Amen

By: Marie-Madeleine
Category: Jesus` Last Words, Final Hours on Cross and Jesus` Death
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When Jesus said for the kingdom belongs to sucha as these(children) in the book of Matthew, did he mean that all children who dont make it to their adulthood will all go to heaven?

By: Marie-Madeleine
Category: Jesus Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable n how?
Yes and no. Yes coz as the widow who gave everything with all her heart she got despite her situation. This is an image of what GOD expect from us to have a simple heart not a selfish one. The rich person gives large amount of money but is that all he`s got no he didnt give up all his posessions contrary to the widow. And this is an image of someone who will just give 50% of his life to Jesus no 100% commitment as its hard for him to leave his fortune behind. We could wonder did he give it with all his heart or because he had to or just to show others hes got more than them. No, coz this is not about rich or poor this is about how commited you are to God if you gave up everythging in your life that you are attached to even family and friends and follow Jesus to the end. We cant just say ok I`ll come with today then tomorrow I wont as M busy with this no it has to be your new life. Following Him isnt just a temporary event it is permanent and you can do so only if you are ready to sacrifice everything so you can follow Jesus, Amen

By: Marie-Madeleine
Category: Jesus Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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