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89 entries for this category:

Brief life summaries
JESUS is a role model to all of us. He was sent to save us as Adam and Eve didnot manage to do GODs will for He sent a part of Him to save us from being trapped in Satan`s plan which is to destroy us GOD`s creations. Satan exists so we have to be strong in our faith in GOD just as JESUS did to vainquish SATAN. I understand now why we need to pray and go to church as we have to get ready all the time first we need to study the bible to know about GOD and JESUS`s life, go to church and to the world to share with everyone else before we die and go to the final judgement. Its just like how we go to school from 2 or 5years old until uni as we need to study a lot to be able to find a good job but we have to be careful as this is how it works in this world this is mans made rule not GOD`s rule. Once you accept JESUS in your life it is not going to be easy as SATAN will always try to tempt us to fail that`s why the Holy spirit is here to help us and also the BIBLE where all answers are. Whenever we feel down or no matter what the problem is ask GOD for help with all your heart and be patient and go read the BIBLE. JESUS who speaks through the Holy book, and the Holy spirit are our great helpers who lead us to the only GOD in His kingdom. Amen

By: Marie-Madeleine
Category: Brief Life Summary: Who Was Jesus Christ?
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Why did Jesus? penalty for sin need to include physical and emotional pain - why not just spiritual separation from God?
As a sinner, I am Christ`s executioner, whom He chose to forgive before I really understood what my actions caused. Jesus Christ bore or became everything that could separate me from His Father`s love and so keep me from heaven. That God turned His face from His only Son; that the heavens and earth itself groaned at His passing compels me to seriously grasp the enormity of the chasm by which sin divides me from God, yet was bridged by Christ`s torment, pain, abuse, suffering, curses, wounds, rejection, depression, nakedness, hunger and thirst that I might be able to be called a child of God at His expense leaves me speechless. I who am seemingly unable to depart from sin in one form or another, have been given the greatest gift of love by one whom by ignorance and selfishness, I hardly even know. Forgive me Jesus of my sins, by Your righteousness and Yours alone, I am healed. Truely You are the God of Peace and Love. Jesus I adore you. AMEN.

By: David Wratt
Category: Jesus` Last Words, Final Hours on Cross and Jesus` Death
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According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?
To be loved by God a believer must fulfil certain requirements. He must keep God`s Word and keep his temple holy. The believer must live by and keep the ten commandments. The believer will hear and obey the voice of God ''Holy Spirit''. To be loved by God requires that the believer keeps these rules. Jesus suffered all of mankinds sins, took on board all curses that those who believe can be accepted by His Father and so be loved by Him. A believer must practice his faith that the Holy Spirit will live in Him so that he will bear fruit. This believers rewards are eternal life. The non practising believer will be thrown out into the fire. God is love but He also has standards that a believer must keep in order to be loved. Fortunately Jesus forgives as we forgive.

By: David Wratt
Category: Jesus Says God Loves You and Is With You
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