路加所著的耶稣传记——耶稣被捕 主页 > 描述耶稣的历史资料 > 早期传记作者对耶稣的描述 > 路加所著的耶稣传记 > 路加所著的耶稣传记——耶稣被捕 |
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路加所著的耶稣传记——耶稣被捕 说话之间,来了许多人,那十二个门徒里名叫犹大的,走在前头,就近耶稣,要与他亲嘴。 (22:47) 耶稣对他说,犹大,你用亲嘴的暗号卖人子吗? (22:48) 左右的人见光景不好,就说,主阿,我们拿刀砍可以不可以? (22:49) 内中有一个人,把大祭司的仆人砍了一刀,削掉了他的右耳。 (22:50) 耶稣说,到了这个地步,由他们吧。就摸那人的耳朵,把他治好了。 (22:51) 耶稣对那些来拿他的祭司长,和守殿官,并长老,说,你们带着刀棒,出来拿我,如同拿强盗吗? (22:52) 我天天同你们在殿里,你们不下手拿我。现在却是你们的时候,黑暗掌权了。 (22:53) 路加 22:47-53
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Jesus Arrested
While he was still speaking, behold, a multitude, and he who was called Judas, one of the twelve, was leading them. He came near to Jesus to kiss him. But Jesus said to him, "Judas, do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?" When those who were around him saw what was about to happen, they said to him, "Lord, shall we strike with the sword?" A certain one of them struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. But Jesus answered, "Let me at least do this"--and he touched his ear, and healed him. Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs? When I was with you in the temple daily, you didn't stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness." Luke 22:47-53