Final Week of Jesus
Home > History and Time Line of the Life of Jesus > Final Week of Jesus
Notable Aspects
  • Jesus repeatedly predicted his own murder in Jerusalem
  • Jesus did not take defensive actions or avoid Jerusalem
  • Jesus endured significant physical torture over a 16 hour period
  • Jesus endured significant emotional distress over a 16 hour period
  • Jesus was tortured to death and was buried
  • Jesus' followers reported and recorded his live appearances throughout forty days after his execution

Date/Time Event (all in Jerusalem, Israel)
Sunday, April 10, 30 AD 2 mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night
Monday, April 11, 30 AD Jesus protests financial transactions within the temple; argues with chief priests
Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD Jesus predicts/announces the date of his execution; debates with religious leaders; responds to question about greatest commandment
Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD Judas contracts to betray Jesus
Wednesday, April 13, 30 AD Jesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes; From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD
Last supper with disciples - Passover meal
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD -
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Garden of Gethsemane - Jesus waits for his arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Confrontation in Garden and Jesus' Arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 1: Annas, former Jewish High Priest for 16 years - Jesus receives initial physical abuse
" Trial 2: Current Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin Court - Jesus bloodied by abuse
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 3: All the Jewish elders, including the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin. They decide to ask the Roman government to kill Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 4: Hearing before Roman governor Pilate, who declares, "I find no guilt in this man."
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 5: Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. Jesus refused to answer any questions so Herod returned him quickly to Pilate
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 6: Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Pilate's Roman soldiers take Jesus into the court ("Praetorium") and enjoy mockery and continued torture, including driving thorns into his skull
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Jesus forced to carry his own cross, then actual crucifixion
12:00 noon - 3:00pm
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Momentous final 3 hours on the cross
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Friday, April 15, 30 AD Burial
Sunday, April 17, 30 AD "Resurrection" - 1st reported appearance of Jesus as alive after execution

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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus was on the mission he intended to fulfill. By teaching truth, working miracles, and confronting the leadership of the day, he was led to his death and he did not resist it. He came to give his life and make the way for all people to be welcomed into the kingdom of God.

By: Mark Lauer
Category: Final Week of Jesus
(1) Comments
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Yes, Jesus tried to incite his death through accepting the physical torture, body harms and did not take any defensive actions to avoid wounds. He was ready to fullfil the promise of His Father. The promise that resulted of saving the world, cleaning the world`s sins and made people free. Jesus was able to avoir his death, and punish Juda his disciple who betrayed him but because he knew that the time to suffer for the world was come, he did not, he accepted the horrible situation, he was the son of God but he did not denied to be humiliated.

By: Anna Lina
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
No, Jesus was not deliberately inciting His death. Jesus was positioning Himself for what He knew was to come:His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross for our salvation.Jesus knows the devil will try to stop Him, so He made sure NOTHING will stop Him, Jesus, from carrying out the main reason while He came down to earth-to make a way for us in the world to achieve eternal rest in the kingdom. No, Jesus knew what He was doing all along.

By: Benjamin Ugbe
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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God so loved the world that he sent his only son so whoever believed in him will not perish but have eternal life. Jesus christ had a mission to complete on earth. To save his own children. He also gave a warning that not everyone who calls him lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. God gave Jesus prophecy of his own death. He knew that Judas was going to betray him before his last meal. The prayer in Gethsemane was to ask God to fulfil his will to save his children. When the River Eurphrates runs dry and the kings of the East meet the West, in the valley of Jehesophat, the children will return to the greatest crime in history, the murder of Jesus Christ. The sun will turn black sackcloth, the moon will turn red and the stars will fall from the sky. The angels will then reap. The godly to go to heaven and the rest to be pressed in the winepress. The two witnesses from the messianic jews will prophesise about Jesus Christ`s second coming to his people. Those in Christ will have the promise of heaven and New Jerusalem, a new heaven and earth and no sea. The children will live in paradise.

By: sharron hill
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus incite his death to let usr reallize that life is not an easy journey but a dfficultone..but as we go on in our life, , , we experience so many things which our make life meaningful..and blessed

By: Sab
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I don`t think Jesus incited His death. He know it was comming but didn`t try to bring it on. He really did want it to happen but He know it was God will and wanted to save us from our sins.

By: Tom Ellgass
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
No.. I feel that he was brought to this earth to save his people, the people he loves.. If he didn`t died for us then this world would be a bad place to live it would be full of sin

By: Faith_Hope
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I don`t think so. I think He was just preaching the truth.

By: John Godlasky
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?
No not at all. He was sent into this world to declare the GOSPEL and it was predestined that he should suffer and die and rise again on the third day so that we can have eternal LIFE. He preached the TRUTH without fear and when it was necessary to take the whip He did it. He did not either hesitate to call the religious leaders in their face, hypocretes. He accomplished the WILL OF GOD even unto death; a death on the cross. We are all expected to be forthright as he was without fear.

By: Thomas Lazarus
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?
No not at all. He was sent to the world to declare the GOSPEL and it was predestined that he should come into this world as a human being and that he should preach the gospel and suffer and die. He was born to die so that we can LIVE. He preached the TRUTH without fear and when it was necessar to take the whip He did it. He did not hesitate to call the then religious leaders hypocretes in their face. He simply accomplished the WILL OF GOD even unto death; a death on the cross. He expects us to be as forthright as he was and suffer, if necessary without fear.

By: Thomas Lazarus
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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