Final Week of Jesus
Home > History and Time Line of the Life of Jesus > Final Week of Jesus
Notable Aspects
  • Jesus repeatedly predicted his own murder in Jerusalem
  • Jesus did not take defensive actions or avoid Jerusalem
  • Jesus endured significant physical torture over a 16 hour period
  • Jesus endured significant emotional distress over a 16 hour period
  • Jesus was tortured to death and was buried
  • Jesus' followers reported and recorded his live appearances throughout forty days after his execution

Date/Time Event (all in Jerusalem, Israel)
Sunday, April 10, 30 AD 2 mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night
Monday, April 11, 30 AD Jesus protests financial transactions within the temple; argues with chief priests
Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD Jesus predicts/announces the date of his execution; debates with religious leaders; responds to question about greatest commandment
Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD Judas contracts to betray Jesus
Wednesday, April 13, 30 AD Jesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes; From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD
Last supper with disciples - Passover meal
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD -
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Garden of Gethsemane - Jesus waits for his arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Confrontation in Garden and Jesus' Arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 1: Annas, former Jewish High Priest for 16 years - Jesus receives initial physical abuse
" Trial 2: Current Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin Court - Jesus bloodied by abuse
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 3: All the Jewish elders, including the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin. They decide to ask the Roman government to kill Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 4: Hearing before Roman governor Pilate, who declares, "I find no guilt in this man."
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 5: Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. Jesus refused to answer any questions so Herod returned him quickly to Pilate
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 6: Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Pilate's Roman soldiers take Jesus into the court ("Praetorium") and enjoy mockery and continued torture, including driving thorns into his skull
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Jesus forced to carry his own cross, then actual crucifixion
12:00 noon - 3:00pm
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Momentous final 3 hours on the cross
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Friday, April 15, 30 AD Burial
Sunday, April 17, 30 AD "Resurrection" - 1st reported appearance of Jesus as alive after execution

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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I don`t think Jesus tried to incite His death. He just remained humble and let everything take course for His death was all written out already.

By: Mirtha Fabro
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
In a way, yes.He had to fullfill scripture and he had to accomplish salvation for humanity

By: Gail Dummitt
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I dont think so, it is more likely he was passionate and was showing it.

By: Victor Emmanuel
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
perhaps He did to make the peole aware.

By: reybeth
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
No since it was prophesized in the old testament and we all know that what ever word has been prophesized will come to pass.So jesus who who was from his father deffinetly Knew what was going to happen to him. he was not trying to initiate but was only telling the truth about what was going to happen. it so happend that his death came about in oder to fufill the scriptuers. isaah says he was weeped for our transgretion and that by his wounds we are healed. so its just what God had planed to rescuer man from his bondage. He friquently talked about his death in oder to let people see what was happening unfortunatly they had ears but could not here.

Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Timeline-Final 1 Week
Jesus knew what he had come for and what was going to happen to him. He died for those who believe in him will have everlasting life with Him.

By: Julie Rainey
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
No. Jesus was just telling the Jews the truth, and sometimes correcting some misconceptions that the people had. As the son of God, Jesus knows what God the Father loves, and would like to see the will of the father done here on earth''as it is in heaven''but people are bent on doing their own will, disregarding God`s commandments, and also his will.

By: Agatha Maingi
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus was sent to earth to complete His Father`s vision. He was sent on a mission. He was sent to tell the truth ant to live by the truth and to teach the truth. He was honest and true to the person on the street and to the leaders. He was sent to the croos to shed His blood so that human race can be saved. With all the bad treatment He went through, He didnt resist nor did He retiliate. He honerd God.

By: Christelle Stadler
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Yes, He was.

By: Mr. Victor Ulasi
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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was the cross only way God for that mission? or will be another tool for this mission?

By: Nabila Beshay
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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