Final Week of Jesus
Home > History and Time Line of the Life of Jesus > Final Week of Jesus
Notable Aspects
  • Jesus repeatedly predicted his own murder in Jerusalem
  • Jesus did not take defensive actions or avoid Jerusalem
  • Jesus endured significant physical torture over a 16 hour period
  • Jesus endured significant emotional distress over a 16 hour period
  • Jesus was tortured to death and was buried
  • Jesus' followers reported and recorded his live appearances throughout forty days after his execution

Date/Time Event (all in Jerusalem, Israel)
Sunday, April 10, 30 AD 2 mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night
Monday, April 11, 30 AD Jesus protests financial transactions within the temple; argues with chief priests
Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD Jesus predicts/announces the date of his execution; debates with religious leaders; responds to question about greatest commandment
Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD Judas contracts to betray Jesus
Wednesday, April 13, 30 AD Jesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes; From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD
Last supper with disciples - Passover meal
Thursday, April 14, 30 AD -
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Garden of Gethsemane - Jesus waits for his arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Confrontation in Garden and Jesus' Arrest
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 1: Annas, former Jewish High Priest for 16 years - Jesus receives initial physical abuse
" Trial 2: Current Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin Court - Jesus bloodied by abuse
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 3: All the Jewish elders, including the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin. They decide to ask the Roman government to kill Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 4: Hearing before Roman governor Pilate, who declares, "I find no guilt in this man."
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 5: Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. Jesus refused to answer any questions so Herod returned him quickly to Pilate
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Trial 6: Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Pilate's Roman soldiers take Jesus into the court ("Praetorium") and enjoy mockery and continued torture, including driving thorns into his skull
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Jesus forced to carry his own cross, then actual crucifixion
12:00 noon - 3:00pm
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Momentous final 3 hours on the cross
Friday, April 15, 30 AD
Friday, April 15, 30 AD Burial
Sunday, April 17, 30 AD "Resurrection" - 1st reported appearance of Jesus as alive after execution

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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I don`t think so. What Jesus did are just right things. But he knows everything from the one who sent him, so he could predict his dying.

By: Tansy Teng
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus never tried to incite his death. He just fulfilled what was already written in the old testament. He accused the leaders because they were not in the righteous path, they show themselves to be HOLY but not HOLY from inside.

By: Gospel Sailo
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus was not inciting His death because He new that He came on earth as a surfering and glorious servant ''Isiah 52 Vs 13-15''. He new that He has to undergo muder, torture. distress and die for the salvation of mankind therefore could not defend himself. Jesus on the cross took up our infirmities and carried out our sorrows, yet we considered Him striken by God, smittten by him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities: the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed ''Isiah 53 Vs 4-5''. Jesus did not incite his death in order to fulfill the old testament prophets.Now that God loved us and we are children of God through Jesus, we need to go by the instructions Jesus gave to the believers ''Deciples'' Mathew 10 Vs 5 - 10'' also Mathew 28 Vs 19 -20. With Jesus `s death. everything is possible and man is given grace to enter into the kingdom of God.The harvest is prenty and Jesus is sending us into the hervest.


By: Christopher Banda
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I believe that is not to incite Jesus` death. I think that sins of human lead to his death. Because the temple should be cleansing and behavior of leaders should be accused. On the countrary, they should follow Jesus.

By: Vivien Wu
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
I don`t think so coz Jesus was to come in order for us to have life ''our sevoiur''. So he was fulfilling his mission and the reason of coming.

Category: Final Week of Jesus
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To save human from the fire of hell, God had already transformed himself become like His creature or one of us. Only Jesus is the Lord that wants become like His creature, feel His creature`s suffering. Cause He loves us very very much and crazy about His creatures. Cause our good deed, anything cannot make us come to His throne, so He give himself to make us realize how much He loves us till the death. By dead in the Cross, Jesus went to the hell and take over the key of the death from the evil, to make us has not fear agan with the power of the dead, cause Jesus Christ had already given His life as human. Suffering as human. God bless us

By: Spits Warnars HArco Leslie Hendric
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Jesus was not inciting His own death, but only that what has been written must be fulfilled.I do not want to call it incite, but the passion for His fathers work was driving Him so. Infact everything that did happen to Jesus has long been predicted , so God was just fulfilling His prophecies, and this was not an incite. Because He was ligth, the dargness in this world always wants to confront Him, but He prevailed against them.


Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Why would Jesus pray to God to, if possoble, remove this cup (of death) from him?

By: Robert Ochen-Chagara
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death (eg. temple cleansing, accusation of leaders?)
Every move by Jesus was prompted by the Holy Spirit of God. Whatever He uttered to the priests was a direct prompting of the Spirit which realises evil, and raises a standard against it. If Jesus chose to overturn tables in a bit to cleanse the temple, it was the prompt of the Spirit, and as always, He was obedient to the end. Nobody loves to incite his own death, and Jesus himself prayed to God the Father against this death, but God turned a deaf ear. It was only when Jesus accepted the will of God to be done, that an angel came from heaven to give him encouragement. The journey to the cross was painful, but he knew about it, and so he endured it, knowing fully well that no weapon of the evil one could prevail against him, if he only obeyed God. Finally, this last episode was the greatest attempt by satan to fight the kingdom of God, ''the hour of darkness'', through the person of Jesus, but as a sacrificial lamb, Jesus simply walked in the planned and perfect will of God, allowing every effort of the devil to take place, inorder to also give the final defeat to satan, and to be crowned with ultimate glory for ever. Through this sacrifice, the redemption of the world was complete, and reconcilliation of man to God enabled. Glory be to God in the Highest, through the Matchless name of Jesus Christ-Amen.

By: Robert Ochen-Chagara
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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Was Jesus trying to incite his death?
I would say, No. Because, Jesus saw the reaction to his 100% truth and revelation of secret mysteries in his teachings, resulted in two big reactions. One was to believe, submit and follow him. The other was a violent rejection of the message. Like anything thing we don`t like, we want to remove the discomfort immedietly. Jesus had seen how many people around him were reacting very emotionally against him and were as such, volitile. Jesus was sent to earth from the other person in the trinity of God, the Father, to preach 100% truth and reveal secret mysteries. However, Jesus new that doing what he meant to do was very likely to end in death. On top of this, he read the prophesies in the Old Testament, and it is logical to believe that the Holy Spirit would have pointed these verses out and said to Jesus, this is you that they are prophesying about. So he would have known from atleast two points of evidence - the behaviour of people around him and the prophesies. He verbally predicted his own death and betrayall to 1. give Judas the chance to reconsider and not do it ''like old testament prophesies given to Jews about future death'' and 2. to prepare his followers for beyond Jesus and letting the rest of the world then and in the future know about the very amazing act of God of becoming incarnate as a human.

By: Chris Peacock
Category: Final Week of Jesus
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