The Greatest Commandment
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Why did the pharisees leave out the power of God, whenever they tried to understand the laws of God (Moses)? Since Jesus said: with man it is impossible, but with God everything is possible.

By: Robert Ochen-Chagara
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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How does one love God with all his heart soul and mind? What does that look like?
Remember Jesus had silenced the herodians and pharisees on the issue of payment of tax to ceaser. Jesus had also silenced the Sadducees on the ressurrection issue. Now the Pharisees who are jews who believed in the entire law of Moses wanted to catch him, using the law itself, but Jesus answer was so accurate and absoplute, so they couldnt catch him either. To love God with all your heart, soul, and mind means subjecting yourself to the total will of God. It means subduing your own will whenever it conflicts with God`s will. It means developing a critical sense of obedience to the Scriptures. It means being controlled by the Holy Spirit. It means crucifying self totally. Finally, it means being bnorn again in the likeness of God through the redemption of Jesus Christ.

By: Robert Ochen-Chagara
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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How does one love God with all his heart soul and mind? What does that look like?
Loving God is letting the Holy Spirit come inside of you and take over you whole entire body, soul and mind. Surrender to God your everything.

By: Charlotte Benton
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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Gods love
For someone to love with all his heart soul mind you really have to love God to the utter most. People try to love but that love don`t come on on it`s own it comes from God. He shows how to love but you really have to be born again inChrist to have this love, because know one on this earth has this love that God has you can`t even bye it in the the shop. So please give your life to christ and he will show you what it is to have this love.

By: Stephanie Lewis
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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How does one God with all his heart soul and mind? What does that look like?
Loving God is devoting your whole life to serve Him no matter what it takes.

By: Marie-Madeleine
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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How does one love God with all his heart soul and mind? What does that look like?
We must totally surrender to God. He will be the one to take control of our Lives... not our will but the will of God

By: susan baligod
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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How does one love God with all his heart soul and mind? What does that look like?
One could only love God with all his heart , soul and body by allowing the Holy spirit to take in charge of his life. This is a total submission to God, every xtian who has nver done such never started.

By: Evangelist Victor C. Ant
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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Why does Jesus call Love One Another a New commandment?
Apparently people were not showing the Love to others and that is why he made it a new commandment. God is LOVE! And wants us to Love others just like He Loves Us. And wants us to treat others like we ourselves would like to be treated. Just as Jesus said You shall Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, and with all your Soul and with all your Mind. And the second is like it, You shall Love your Neighbor as Yourself. Matthew 22: 37-40

By: Al Benavides
Category: The Greatest Commandment
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The Greatest Commandment

But the Pharisees, when they heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, gathered themselves together. One of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, testing him. "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"
Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. A second likewise is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

Matthew 22:34-40
Full Chapter

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