How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
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How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
Hosea is a prophet whose short book is in the Old Testament Bible. God told Hosea to do something really strange and really difficult-to marry a prostitute. Hosea then married Gomer the prostitute and she ran away and continued to prostitute herself many times. Each time, Hosea would go and bring Gomer back because he loved her.

The relationship between Hosea and Jesus is this: Jesus died for all mankind while mankind was living in sin (wrongdoing). He did not wait for mankind to stop sinning (mankind couldn`t stop sinning). But He came and died for all mankind in spite of his sin-and for his sin. He died so that mankind could know God and go to Heaven. Jesus is the Savior for mankind just as Hosea was a "savior" for Gomer.

Furthermore, mankind still goes astray and does wrong things. Yet, Jesus forgives and reaches out to mankind in many different ways. He always accepts back the sinner, the person who has done wrong, if the person will come back to Him willingly.


Hosea is a picture of God`s love for mankind. It is called redeeming love.

By: Editors
Category: How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
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How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
Prophet Hosea. 1. (1a) Hosea the man. The word of the LORD that came to Hosea the son of Beeri, a. The word of the LORD: Plainly said, Hosea was a prophet. He spoke forth the word of the LORD, and applied that word to his life, and to the people and circumstances around him. Hosea was a man, but he was a man God used to speak through.

By: Mary Jones
Category: How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
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How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
This one would stretch me for sure! But there are so many close examples that we face in modern times that touch on this point. In modern day men and or women may struggle with either a heavy fantasy life or an addiction to pornography. We may either struggle with a wayward child who goes completely the opposite way of the home. We in turn, have to make that hard choice to forgive again and again as we move forward in those desperate of times. God uses the hard just as much as the good.

By: Lisa Masteller
Category: How does Hosea relate to Jesus?
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