Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
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Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
Jesus picked them because they were in everyday of those to whom he was talking. He wanted to show them that if the Father cared about those too simple things of His criation, even more He would care about us, the human being, His major criation.

By: Jean Ribeiro
Category: Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
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Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
Jesus wanted to teach to love one another with a feeling of humility.

By: Takao Ogawa
Category: Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
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Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
dont know

By: Harold hammond
Category: Why doesn`t Jesus pick more valuable things than sparrows or sheep to talk about the value of people?
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