Jesus is the Savior of the world, the Son of God who died for our sins. If we do not recognize our own failings and inadequacies, we cannot fully recognize what Jesus did and who He is. Thus, receiving Jesus begins by turning to Him for forgiveness for the things we have done wrong. Then we ask Him through a simple prayer to be our savior. Here is an example of the kind of prayer you might pray to receive Christ: "Dear Jesus, I know that I have sinned and done wrong things. I understand that you died for my sins so that I can be saved. Please come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Amen."
Many people don`t understand why they need to receive Jesus and be saved. Here is an explanation.
According to the New Testament Scriptures, man is condemned to eternal separation from God because of his state of rebellion, wrongdoing (sin). If we do not turn to God in repentance (sorrow over our wrongdoing)--and if we don`t receive God`s Son, Jesus, as our Savior and Lord--then we are doomed to perish. But there is good news for mankind. God sent His Son so we could be saved: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
This passage found in John`s biography of Jesus goes on to explain more clearly what it means to be saved:
"For God didn`t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. He who believes in him is not judged. He who doesn`t believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God. This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn`t come to the light, lest his works would be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God" (John 3:17- 21).
If we are not saved, then we are condemned--just like the rich man seen in Luke`s Gospel chapter 16, verses 22-23: "The rich man also died, and was buried; and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments."
All that is required to be saved is that we recognize we have done wrong, and we turn to Jesus for His mercy, as did the publican man in Luke 18:13: "God be merciful to me a sinner."
Read more here.

By: Editors
Category: How do I receive Jesus?