Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action?

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Did Jesus like animals?

The loving nature of Jesus would suggest He liked animals.

While I cannot think of a specific passage of the New Testamant that clearly shows that Jesus liked animals, His character would suggest He did. Jesus was kind, compassionate, merciful, tender and loving. He did not encourage cruelty; He opposed it.

Because Jesus was love incarnated and God incarnated, I imagine that He did like animals. This deduction would seem to be in standing with His divine character and attributes.

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Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Did Jesus teach?

Jesus taught everywhere He went. He was known as “the Teacher” – “Raboni” in Hebrew. He taught His disciples every day. He taught the crowds who followed Him, including the 5, 000 that he then fed when they were hungry. He taught at the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapter 5 in the New Testament). He taught also in parables (see Matthew chapter 13 in the New Testament).

Jesus taught Words of life and of truth. At 12 years of age, He read the Old Testament scriptures in the Temple. This was a small glimpse of His great teaching ministry.

Sometimes Jesus taught in a way that made the religious, self-righteous people uncomfortable. His teaching challenged them. It was simple, yet profound. In the Gospel of John, chapter 6 verse 66, some of the people stopped following Jesus because His sayings – or teachings – were too hard. They did not understand the spiritual implications and divine depth of His teaching.

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Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Does Jesus still heal?

Jesus still heals people today. He still feels the pain of individuals and has compassion. He heals today using diverse methods. Jesus may use the intervention of a doctor to heal since He gave the doctor the gift to learn medicine. He may heal through a divine and supernatural touch through prayer. In James chapter 5, the Bible says that the fervent prayer of the righteous (those who know Jesus) can bring healing.

Sometimes people pray for healing and are healed. Other times, they may be healed during an assembly where God’s Word is being preached, or during a prayer meeting when people are praying for the sick. 

God does not always choose to heal. He can heal but sometimes He has a purpose in a person remaining handicapped or sickly. For example, Joni Earickson Tada was never healed from being a paraplegic. But her invalid state has allowed her to reach thousands of handicapped people in wheelchairs through her testimony. To read more about Joni and her testimony, click here

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Why did Jesus heal?

The Bible teaches that Jesus was God who became man. He felt our pain. He bore our griefs. He sympathized and He empathized. He healed out of compassion. He did not want to see mankind suffer. He did not delight in seeing individuals suffer. His love compelled Him to heal people.

Jesus healed because He is good and He is love. He healed from compassion because He had the power to heal.

Jesus healed because He loved mankind. 

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Who did Jesus heal?

Jesus healed everyone who crossed His path that needed healing. He healed people near and far. One woman had a chronic case of bleeding. She was healed by simply touching the hem of Jesus’s garment. He then felt virtue go out of Him and knew that He had healed someone. Other people, such as blind Bartineaus, called to Jesus to be healed and He healed them from compassion. A Roman centurion (he had 100 soldiers under him), came to Jesus begging for Him to heal his daughter. He knew that Jesus could speak the Word and she would be healed. And she was healed by Jesus simply speaking the Word. She was healed at the very hour He spoke the Word even though she was miles from where Jesus was at that time.

One man had waited by the pool of Bethesda to be healed. Jesus came along and spoke His Word and the man got up and walked.

Another man was let down into the roof top of a home seeking Jesus to heal him. The many was a paralytic and Jesus did heal him.

The stories of who Jesus healed are seen in the New Testament Bible and are numerous.

Jesus healed people everywhere He went because He had compassion on them. He felt their pain and healed them. 

The New Testament Bible shows that Jesus did a lot of miracles during his lifetime. Click here to see miracles Jesus did:

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Who did Jesus teach?

Jesus taught His followers. He taught whoever followed Him and whoever wanted to listen. Sometimes He took His closest disciples apart to teach them privately. Sometimes He taught whole crowds such as the 5, 000 people He supernaturally fed when they were hungry. 

Jesus taught a Samaritan women. He did not care the race or even the sinful nature of the person. Jesus loved people and chose to teach them. He taught the woman caught in adultery. And He taught Levi the tax-collector. He taught those who were humble enough to hear. He could not teach those who disdained His Words or who didn’t respect Him or receive from Him.

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Was Jesus a hippy or a marginal person?

There is nothing in the New Testament Bible to suggest that Jesus was a hippy or a marginal person.  History and the Bible reveal that Jesus looked very ordinary. He blended in with the crowd. He was poor but not a beggar. And there’s no suggestion that He didn’t work or was marginal in any way. On the contrary, Jesus worked as a carpenter.

He was however a person who depended entirely and solely on God His heavenly Father. He had no set place to lay His head and said of Himself, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head”In this way, He was different than other people. In this way, He could be perceived as not living an ordinary life.

Jesus believed in and encouraged hard work and in no way encouraged a marginal way of life.

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Did Jesus wear a beard?

The Bible does not disclose whether or not Jesus had a beard. It does state that He was very ordinary in His exterior appeal. He blended in with the people of His culture and era. He may therefore have had a beard since many men did. But there is no precise record for us to know for sure. History reflecting the culture of the time indicates that it would have been very ordinary and very normal to wear a beard. So possibly Jesus had a beard.

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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Was Jesus a vegetarian?

The Bible shows that Jesus was not a vegetarian. He ate fish with His disciples on several occasions. We see this in the Gospel of John chapter 21 when He cooked and ate fish again with His disciples after He was resurrected from the dead. He would have likely eaten lamb at the Passover supper. He ate an ordinary diet the same as the average person in His country and of that era. 

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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What food did Jesus eat?

While we don’t know all the foods Jesus ate, we know He ate as an ordinary person of His day and His culture. He ate fish, bread, lamb, drank wine and His meals would have included the typical spices of that culture. He enjoyed the cooking of His friends Mary and Martha. He ate with Matthew the tax collector and seemed to enjoy fine food. He probably ate the same way as anyone else at that time in that country.

The Bible shows that Jesus was not a vegetarian. He ate fish with His disciples on several occasions. We see this in the Gospel of John chapter 21 when He cooked and ate fish again with His disciples after He was resurrected from the dead. He would have likely eaten lamb at the Passover supper. He ate an ordinary diet the same as the average person in His country and of that era. 

By: Editors
Category: Meeting Physical Needs: When have you put love into action
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