sandeep kamble, I know exactly what your going through. My advice for you is to just forget about her... I know it may seem impossible; but look for someone else who can make you happy. By: *~Rozie~* Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you (1) Comments
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
i m love with some one madily. but she get married and i cant live without her By: sandeep kamble Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Wow, it's just so nice to hear all of your testimonies. Well I also would like to share something that just recently happened. I was in love with a girl and our relationship worked out well but just for a month. One day she texted me that the relationship cannot continue coz her parents came to know. I sad ok I don't mind that but later I found out that she lied. I really complained to God of why me only. Today I wanna thank God of whatever has happens. For me Jesus is first in my life. Love u.. By: anish Kumar Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
i m love with some one . but i don't hav money to married her. By: Doghor Ejiro Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
I don't understand the question....... By: *~Rozie~* Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Has an abandon woman without any divorce letter, with three children involve, He is always there in time of need that I long for more. To Him be glory 4 ever and ever. Many wonder how do I cope without long for their fathers support. By: Fogabi Ruth Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
My finance and I have been working on our communication skills in preparation for marriage. One of the best tools we’ve been given is a process for working on our listening skills. It’s interesting how often we are involved in a conversation and we aren’t really listening. Our minds are off somewhere or we are more involved in thinking about our response than we are listening carefully to what the other person is sharing. Our pastor has been training us how to take the time to repeat back to our partner what we hear them saying before we respond to it. It has made a profound difference in our relationship. I often find that I think I understand what she is telling me but after I verbalize what I think she is telling me back to her I find that I’ve misunderstood her. It’s helping both of us better understand our differences and how to adapt our language to better communicate. I believe it is a principle that fits with Jesus’ teachings. If you pay attention to his communication style, you see that he is very intentional about listening before responding. Just something to consider. Cheers, Andrew. By: Andrew Bartley Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Can I ever relate to this topic. I had a close friend pass away and my boyfriend for years dumped me all in the same year. I was seriously depressed. There aren’t always fast and easy answers to everything. Some things are really hard and it can take time for the wounds to heal. I have to say that I questioned God’s goodness following my friend’s death. It’s hard to understand the loss of someone you love. In that year I learned to trust in God even when the world didn’t make since to me. I reached a point at which I had to decide whether I was going to be offended and mad at God. A good Christian friend of mine gave me a lot of wisdom when she said that I shouldn’t hide my pain and anger from God. Instead, I should wrestle it out with him. So I did. I told God I was mad at him. I told him that I didn’t understand. I spent weeks telling God everyday that I was still mad at him. But, at the end of each time with him I was still able to say that I trusted him still. I know friends who don’t believe you should ever say anything negative to God but he sees all things and he isn’t shocked by what comes out of my mouth. He already saw it in my heart long before. When I was able to be honest with God about my anger, it gave him permission and me room for him to do what he does best – he loved me and healed me. I think that’s the most direct path to healing and wholeness. Is that clear to anyone other than me? By: Amy Bruckner Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Hello everyone. I enjoy reading what you all have to share. Thank you for investing your time in this community. I like what Rob had to say. I think I’m a little older than many people here so I thought I’d share something from my experiences. The biggest principle I’ve learned from Jesus that has changed my life is that expressing love is more important than being right. There are times when I believe someone is wrong about something and they are being forceful about their opinion. I think I have better understanding than them or at least a different perspective that is equally valuable. I’ve learned that being right makes no difference in how I treat someone, according to Jesus. Instead, I’ve learned from him that I’m responsible for loving people even when they are completely wrong. This can be easy to say but difficult to walk out sometimes. When you have someone in front of you who is sharing a strong political or religious view, it can be easy to become offended and want to build up walls or argue your point. But, if someone isn’t interested in hearing my opinion or learning from others, the best thing to do is so steer the conversation in a different direction. I find a way to speak of their value and encourage them in some way. Even the most obnoxious person has admirable qualities and everyone deserved to be believed in enough to think that one day their potential may emerge. God has put good things in every person. My job sometimes is to look past all the junk and find the hidden gems in them and speak to their hidden potential. I may just be the first person to ever do that and this could shift their entire life toward reaching their potential. Maybe the reason this person is the way they are is because no one has ever believed in them enough to find their hidden potential and speak it out. At least that is what I think. By: Beverly Richards Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you
An important thing I have discovered about good relationships is that honor and dignity are very important. My father taught me this growing up and when I read the teachings of Jesus, I see the same ideas. He taught to honor everyone. Jesus even honored women and this was unusual in his time and nation. If you treat everyone with great honor, it changes their responses to you. I have even seen this change the way people feel about themselves. Many people speak with little honor to people as if they were nothing. Our world would be much better if all people would treat others like themselves. Jesus had great wisdom. I has much to learn from him. By: Will Chu Category: Relational Conflict: How has Jesus helped you