I want to share this with you from my prayer life. I've written it as if Jesus spoke to me, and it reflects how I hear him when I pray. Before doing this, I first looked at the words that Jesus actually spoke, which are recorded in the Bible. I've included references to Jesus' actual words in the underlined links below. I invite you to read Jesus words and then listen to what Jesus might say to you in prayer...
Be At Peace,
Take a moment to rest in me. I am here. Tell me your troubles. I will listen to you.
Time Stress: My compassion for you
Believe it or not, I do understand how you feel about the burden of time pressure. Compassion is one of my strongest characteristics. Did you know that I can truly empathize with you? My time on earth was short and yet I had much of my Father's work to accomplish. Most of my work was done during the last three years of my life, which lasted only 33 years. This work I started remains to be finished, and it has been thousands of years! I will not be able to rest until all ears have heard the Good News. Do not be consumed. Do not be discouraged. I will renew you each morning.
Time Stress: You are not alone
Every day I talk to other friends struggling with time pressure and stress: A medical student balancing his courses, a demanding internship, and upcoming exams; The architect that has a deadline imposed by a client and must work all weekend with the hopes of meeting it; The young parents of infant twins that have one week to pack and move because escrow has closed on the house they are renting; The writer who must submit the final draft of his book to his editor by next week or risk being dropped by the publisher. The point is you are not alone. They all cry out to me and what do I want them to hear?
Time Stress: Stand up with dignity and value
First and foremost, I want you to stand up with dignity. I love and value you, so embrace your value. The big lie is that doing is more important than being. No! How many things you accomplish, and how quickly, are not important to me. It will all come to pass in my perfect timing. Be patient. I am the one in control. You are of infinite value to me. You are my treasure! Your debt has already been paid. I want you to remain in me and I will take care of the rest.
Time Stress: I am on your side
I want you to believe that you and I are on the same side, working together. I want you to ask, in faith, for my help. I want you to believe that things will eventually work out for the good, although perhaps not in the way that you expect.
Yes, I have full power to solve your problem, but to be honest, I do not promise to solve your problems now. So what good am I? I want you to know that as your friend, my deepest desire is to walk with you through this. I will be here to listen to you, to support you, to affirm you, to help you persevere.
In case you want to blame me, I did not intend things to be this way. My enemy and your enemy has broken this world and wants to destroy you. It was never my plan to discourage you with time pressure. Distraction away from me is part of the world's own plan. Slavery to busyness works against my desire for your freedom.
In case you feel guilty for something you did, I do not judge you. My role is to defend you from judgment. Keep in mind that if you ask me for forgiveness, it is yours. Any remaining guilt does not come from me, and is most likely from the enemy.
Time Stress: My advice is to enjoy today
If you want my advice, then focus on living your life just for today. Do not be anxious about tomorrow. Use this time to appreciate what you do have. Yes, be thankful. Focus also on loving others.
Recognize that you are NOT in control of the situation so relax. I am in control. Rest in my love; just be diligent to do your part.
I will try to lead you to people and resources who will help you. Be on the watch for my hand in your life.
Remember always, I love you and am with you!
Your truest friend,

By: Vipool Patel
Category: Time Stress - What would Jesus say to you