Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong? Home > Questions > Biographies (Gospels) of Jesus > By Matthew > Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
I believe one verse that points directly to hypocracy is Luke; 6:41 which reads "You can see the speck in your friend's eye. But you don't notice the log in your own eye." These are people that are quick to point out everything they believe you are doing wrong or how sinful you are living your life when in reality they are just as guilty as you are of living a sinful life style. They are quick to see your faults and even quicker to justify there own faults.
By: David Adkins Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
The word was saying that you can see someone else fault and not yours own.
By: Deborah Hawk Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Because they believe in man's values & words, & laws & not God's. Hypocrites are followers of satan.
By: wanda miles Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Hypocrisy is lying and deception in the manner of the main deceiver, Satan.
By: Floyd Miller Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Hypocrisy is wrong because it is deceitful. Hypocrites tend to look more towards pleasing people than God. They work on the principle that outside must be clean, while inside do not matter. God do not like them because they tend to deceive the people they are meant to lead. As christians our lives should be christ-like. People should be able to look at us and see Gods' image and reflection. Our lives ahould be examples to other and turn people to God not otherwise.
By: joyce vincent Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
By: JIMMY GONZALES Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Because he pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have.But in fact he is having moral standard.After a some whiletime he will have almost all of them.Wait a minute if God pardonds you.
By: Takao Ogawa Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?
They want to be seen and hard by all who will listen to them talk about how religious they are and act differently. They are a disgrace to God and themselves. They undermine the Church. A Christian has to be very careful as to how they act, for they are the face of the congregation of saints that meet to worship Our God in the Name of Jesus Christ. God made us in his image, and we are to stand up to his image through his son Jesus. We must wait and pray until the day he retuns for his Church
By: Janice A Robinson Category: Why is it that God is so upset with hypocrites? What makes hypocracy so wrong?