The New Testament Bible shows that when Jesus was a small child He lived with His parents in Egypt where they were escaping Herrod’s army who wanted to kill all little boys under the age of 2. Then He lived in Nazareth with His birth mother, Mary, and His adoptive father, Joseph. He lived in an ordinary, humble home, in poverty.
Click here to read that Jesus was brought up in Nazareth:
Jesus lived and ministered in Judea, Galilee, Jerusalem in Northern Israel. Click here to see a map:
The New Testament Bible depicts Jesus as an adult traveling, teaching, preaching, healing and ministering and shows that He had no set place to lay His head. His travels took him to the countries and towns surrounding Jerusalem, including Samaria, Jordan, Perea, Caperneum. Click here for more details:

By: Editors
Category: Where did Jesus live?