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144 entries for this category:

What is the Kingdom of God?
Its a place where there is no sorrow and is happiness only.

By: Nadine Carrine
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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What is the Kingdom of God?
In my view Kingdom of God is there is no sorrow,no tear,and righteousness in the world .There is very happy and peace in people's mind.Peoples talk truth and realistic.In that nature is maintain in our homes,Then the kingdom of god is like that.

By: ravi kumar
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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What is the Kingdom of God?
Kingdom of God is the word of God in you, being righteousness, work in love, humities, meekness, work in holy spirit, Jesus say seek first the Kingdom of God and every thing will be added to you. the kingdom of God is Jesus in you.

By: Iranyang Enoch
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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What is the Kingdom of God?
 It's a place of peace, joy, and happiness where there is no harm, hurt, or danger. no sickness where everyones wants and needs are met where unconditional love resides.

By: stacy walker
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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What is the Kingdom of God?
It is a Spiritual realm, that only those that truely believe, repent, baptized, and obey Our Lord Jesus Christ, may enter. It is where our Lord resides and is waiting for us to except all that He has and will give, in the name of love.

By: lorna jones
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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What is the Kingdom of God?
It is the unseen spiritual reality or realm of dominion and authority in which the Father, son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit function...A taste of the Kingdom of God may be seen in the Life of the Church and His followers...It is our new kingdom and the citizenship of our new eternal realm...Jesus Christ has come to preach the coming of the Kingdom for human kind through the steps of repentance and acceptance of the Gospel, his sacrifice and Lordship...

By: Emilian Mihet
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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What is the Kingdom of God?
Jesus is the kingdom of God He is the only way through which we can get to God, and in order to be with Him, we must invite Him in our hearts and obey his words for His promises are sure.

By: Mary Blay
Category: Good News: the Kingdom of God has come...
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"According to Jesus, what does it mean to be loved by God?"
Short, sweet and to the point. It means, EVERTHING.

By: lorna jones
Category: God Loves & Values You
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Define "Compassion"?

I would say is when you have a deep connection with someone who is stricken with great despair. Their sorrows become your sorrows and their hurts are ones that bring deep sympathy. You just want to take that hurt and do whatever it takes to alliviate that pain. It puts us in a place where we try to put ourselves in their shoes in order to feel what they feel. Our hearts are moved with tenderness and are drawn to become the comforter.  

By: Sandra Salas
Category: Compassionate - Helping the Hurting
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Does Jesus believe lowly people are valuable? How valuable?
I am so thankful that God has given me a heart for people, he is transforming each and every Christian to the image of Christ. If my heart hurts to see the lowly in such desperate situations then they are valuable to Jesus. I can say with confidence because Jesus is in me. As we start to see through the eyes of Christ then we start to respond to the homeless, to the lost, to the ones with very little. As we see our blessing we in turn become a blessing. This does not happen overnight and it is true that God does not call one but he calls us all, the Church that united we can be one body, one mind to make a difference. It starts when we feel the heart beat of Jesus and embrace it as our own. If we take action and start doing something as little or insignificant as it may seem to us, God will see our heart in obedience and multiply it. I am in a mininstry that feeds the lowly, and when I started I said "What can this one bag a groceries do to help them?" they need more than this. I was wrong. It gave them hope. They  experienced love they have never known before. We let them know we are there for them, but we let them know that it is Jesus that brought us to them. We give our testimony and it is amazing! The stoney look they started with changes to eyes of tears.  

By: Sandra Salas
Category: Befriending and Promoting the Lowly
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