You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Afflictions Made Beneficial Exemplified: Hezekiah.Exemplified: Israel.Exemplified: Jonah.Exemplified: Joseph.Exemplified: Joseph`s brethren.Exemplified: Josiah.Exemplified: Manasseh.Exemplified: Prodigal`s son.In convincing us of sinIn exercising our patienceIn exhibiting the power and faithfulness of GodIn furthering the gospel In humbling usIn keeping us from again departing from GodIn leading us to confession of sinIn leading us to seek God in prayerIn promoting the glory of GodIn purifying usIn rendering us fruitful in good worksIn teaching us the will of GodIn testing and exhibiting our sincerityIn trying our faith and obedienceIn turning us to God