You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Call of God, The Addressed to allBlessedness of receivingBy ChristBy his gospelBy his ministersBy his SpiritBy his worksCondemnationDestructionEffectual to saintsIllustratedIs from darknessMost rejectPartakers of, justifiedPraise God forRejection by GodRejection of, leads to: Delusion. Rejection of, leads to: Judicial blindness.Temporal judgmentsTo man is: According to the purpose of God.To man is: Heavenly.To man is: High.To man is: Holy.To man is: Of grace.To man is: To eternal life.To man is: To fellowship with Christ.To man is: To glory and virtue.To man is: To holiness.To man is: To liberty.To man is: To peace.To man is: To the eternal glory of Christ.Walk worthy ofWithdrawal of the means of grace