You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Canaanites, The Abraham: Called to dwell amongst.Abraham: Had his faith tried by dwelling amongst.Abraham: Was promised the country of, of inheritance.An accursed raceComprised seven distinct nationsCountry of, fertileDescended from HamDescribed as: Great and mighty.Described as: Idolatrous.Described as: Profane and wicked.Described as: Superstitious.Different families ofExpelled for wickednessExtremely numerousHad many strong cities Israel commanded: Not to fear.Israel commanded: Not to follow customs of.Israel commanded: Not to follow idols of.Israel commanded: Not to intermarry with.Israel commanded: To destroy all vestiges of their idolatry.Israel commanded: To destroy, without mercy.Israel commanded: To make no league with.Israel ensnared byKind to the patriarchsPart of left: To chastise Israel.Part of left: To try Israel.Partially subdued by IsraelPossessions of, how boundedSome descendants of, in our Lord`s timeTerrified at the approach of Israel