You are here: Jesus Central > Torry's Topics Reference > Contempt A characteristic of the wickedCauses saints to cry to GodExemplified: Children of Belial.Exemplified: False teachers.Exemplified: Hagar.Exemplified: Michal.Exemplified: Nabal.Exemplified: Sanballat, &c.Folly ofForbidden towards: Believing masters.Forbidden towards: Christ`s little ones.Forbidden towards: Parents.Forbidden towards: The poor.Forbidden towards: Weak brethren.Forbidden towards: Young ministers. Ministers should give no occasion forOf ministers, is a despising of GodPride and prosperity prompt toSaints sometimes guilty ofSelf-righteous prompts toSin ofThe wicked exhibit towards: Authorities.The wicked exhibit towards: Christ.The wicked exhibit towards: Parents.The wicked exhibit towards: Saints.The wicked exhibit towards: The afflicted.The wicked exhibit towards: The poor.Towards the church: Often punished.Towards the church: Often turned into respect.